Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Kant Theory and Justice Essay

Immanuel Kant concerns himself with deontology, and as a deontologist, he believes that the rightness of an action depends in part on things other than the goodness of its consequences, and so, actions should be judged based on an intrinsic moral law that says whether the action is right or wrong – period. Kant introduced the Categorical Imperative which is the central philosophy of his theory of morality, and an understandable approach to this moral law. It is divided into three formulations. The first formulation of Kant’s Categorical Imperative states that one should â€Å"always act in such a way that the maxim of your action can be willed as a universal law of humanity†; an act is either right or wrong based on its ability to be universalized. This belief is part of the â€Å"universal law theory† and states that to determine if an action is essentially â€Å"good† or â€Å"bad,† one must essentially imagine a world in which everyone performed that same action constantly, and imagine if this would be a desirable world to live in. If not, then it is not okay to perform the action. He believes that this â€Å"universal law† lives within us; it is not something that is imposed on us from the outside. For example if one kills oneself out of self-love, it is logically contradictory because self-love refers to respect for one’s self as a rational being and rationality is based on objective (undistorted by emotion or personal bias). So, one can never justify suicide. The maxim of killing oneself cannot possibly exist as a universal law. The second formulation states that one must â€Å"treat humanity whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as means only. † For example, if I were to lie to a girl so that she would choose to go out with me then I, in effect, use her. Kant would say that I treated her as a means to achieve my end, and he specifically prohibits manipulating or deceiving a person for the purposes of achieving a personal end. According to Kant, only people are valuable as ends. Any action that disregards this is in clear violation of Kantian morality, and purports to reduce an individual’s autonomy; this consequently undermines a person’s rational capability and reduces him/her to a thing. This implies that if someone robs you and takes your wallet, he is treating you as a thing and not as a person. The third and last formulation requires that one sees oneself as the source of all moral law. This simply emphasizes the fact that the moral agent is the one who chooses to act morally. This third formulation tells us to imagine ourselves as the sole lawmaker in a society, and to choose the best possible set of laws that the society of rational beings would live by. Kant believes that we all have reason within us, but some choose to respond and act upon it while others do not. We can reason the way things ought to be, and based on that is how we should act, which explains Kant’s view that a moral action must be chosen through moral reason. For example, one does not cheat on a test because one’s reason tells him or her that it is wrong, not the consequences that follow if one gets caught. Another example is that we do not need the law to tell us not to steal because it is immoral; we simply have to access our ability to reason to rationalize this. In a world where each individual recognizes his/her moral dignity and freely chooses to adopt the same universalizable moral law, all actions become good. In opposition to the Categorical Imperative is Kant’s Hypothetical Imperative, which states that a particular action is necessary as a means to some purpose. Kant believes that these actions are not always moral because they are not performed out of â€Å"pure good will† (pure duty), which is the only thing in the world that is unambiguously good. In the case of the ethical credibility of the principles of affirmative action, Kant’s Categorical Imperative provides for the basis of approval. It is primarily out of a sense of duty that a society would seek to assist its struggling members who are in need of help. The action so far seems good, but we must test its universality. Can we imagine ourselves living in a world in which all societies seek to aid the underprivileged and the disadvantaged at the slight expense of others? Absolutely yes. It is important for one to bear in mind, however, that it is the very action of helping that is being judged as inherently good or bad, and not the action’s admirable or overbearing surrounding consequences. Secondly, we must test that the action is regarding everyone involved as ends and not as means to any particular purpose. Since the aim of affirmative action is to help the current predicaments of those people who were victimized in the past, focus is placed on respecting every individual’s autonomy. In this way, we can see that affirmative action is not a devious plan that seeks to manipulate, but one that seeks to compensate by adjusting the means (circumstances) and not the ends (individuals). Lastly, we must see if the action is establishing a universal law governing others in similar situations; one should behave as if one is the absolute moral authority of the universe. Is completing this action consistent with the application of moral law? If so, the affirmative action passes these three tests and the action is good. In his â€Å"Objections to Affirmative Action†, James Sterba talks about why he believes that Affirmative Action is morally wrong. He argues that a person’s race shouldn’t control his or her point of interest. Sterba argues that Affirmative Action leads to injustice and it is unfair to the white nonminority males because â€Å"it deprives them of equal opportunity by selecting or appointing women or minority candidates over more qualified nonminority male candidates. † He believes that the job of the government is to eliminate all kinds of discriminatory policies. He thinks that â€Å"alternative programs are preferable. † Thus, the government should instead promote equal opportunities through programs within agencies and departments instead of through Affirmative Action which he believes is a fancy word for discrimination. He argues that it is not fair to those who are more qualified for certain opportunities and cannot receive them either because they are not women or because they are not part of the minority. In his First Objection, he argues that Affirmative Action â€Å"is not required to compensate for unjust institutions in the distant past. † He talks about Morris’ argument that what occurred in the past is not the primary issue that puts all present-day African Americans at an unfair disadvantage; it is more about the issues of more recent origin. He makes a point that discrimination today could very well be the source of the disadvantaged disposition of African Americans and other minority groups, and it is certainly something that society could do without. The question remains that in attempting to â€Å"level the playing field† and eliminate present-day discrimination in America, is Affirmative Action a practical approach and should such a program be endorsed? The Fourth Objection goes on to say that Affirmative Action â€Å"hurts those who receive it† because in many ways the people benefitting from it would not see the need to work as hard, and it places â€Å"women and minorities in positions for which they are not qualified. † Sterba proposes that one of the solutions to this problem could be the installation education enhancement programs to compensate for any lack of skills. He believes that this will in a short time ensure that minorities are appropriately qualified for a position. In response to Sterba’s First Objection, Kant would agree that the rightness of Affirmative Action should be based upon the circumstances of the present situation and not what had occurred in the past; this is evident mainly through his a priori form of philosophical deductive reasoning that judges an action before the experience, or â€Å"in the moment. † However, Kant would disagree with Sterba’s Fourth Objection because in my opinion, Kant’s deontological theory correlates with the correctness of the affirmative action in its very aim toward helping â€Å"the right† people. Affirmative action has not significantly diminished gender, racial, and all other forms of discrimination, but the action has promoted equality and diversity to a large extent. In a world where everyone performs the â€Å"good will,† there is justice; and the installation of this program only serves to come closer to this justice. Discrimination is wrong because it violates a person’s basic and intrinsic moral rights. Thus, in itself the adoption of this program is an action that is good because without Affirmative Action it is true in many ways that minorities would remain at a disadvantaged position in the educational system and not be allowed the opportunity to exercise their true potential. Kant would argue that it is a duty out of â€Å"good will† to treat people equally. The concepts of equality and autonomy are emphasized in the nature of this program because it strives to treat everyone as a free person equal to everyone else. According to Kant, one should be treated as ends not as mere means. It can be argued that African Americans at a disadvantaged position were being treated as means by the dominant culture to achieve its own ends in the system. Discrimination cannot exist as a system of nature because those who discriminate would not want to be similarly discriminated against if things were reversed, and so Affirmative Action is justified because it aims to open the door of opportunities to those who have been oppressed for years. That being said, Kant would examine the action itself and not the consequences of the action. When making decisions, one has to put oneself into other people’s shoes and see if one wants to be treated the same way others have been treated; it is a duty to treat others as we ourselves want to be treated. Affirmative Action not necessarily needed in this society to reduce the inherent inequalities that are still existent, but it can certainly be used to assist in leveling the playing field. Affirmative Action has been successful on a short term basis, that is, in increasing the representation of minorities (including women) in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded. However, on the long term basis it can be argued that the program only serves to perpetuate a cycle of need. Kant advocates the idea of equality through his deontological theory by saying that all people deserve equal treatment as rational ends in themselves and that this should never be compromised by the flaws in any social system.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Buddhist Ethnography

The Buddhist Experience Buddhism is a religion that focuses more on the individual and the actions of that individual, which was prevalent to me when I made my way into Portland and set foot in a Buddhist temple. The man I met within the walls of this temple was far from my stereotypical thoughts of Buddhist monks. The man I met looked like your plain old, average Joe, American man. Before I delve into the depths of my visit to this inspiring place, I need to sum up the Buddhist religion and why I chose to study this particular group of people.First, Buddhism. Buddhism is a religion based off of the idea that there is a path that one can take to achieve enlightenment, instead of believing in a god or multiple gods. Buddhism began with a man named Siddhartha. Siddhartha, the son of a king and heir to the throne, was forbidden to leave the castle walls within which he was confined. His Father, the king, made him stay within the walls at all time so as not to see the suffering that was happening in the outside world. His father even hid all aging and sickness from his son.One day, Siddhartha told his personal bodyguard that he wanted to venture beyond the walls of the castle. The servant had no choice but to obey what Siddhartha had told him. The two set out and on their journey, they came across an old man in the street who was very close to dying. Siddhartha asked the bodyguard what was wrong with the man and the bodyguard had no choice but to tell Siddhartha the truth. They repeated this feat of leaving the castle walls on 3 more occasions, seeing a sickly woman on the side of the road one day, a dead body on the side of the road the next, and a renunciator on the fourth and final day.Each time the bodyguard was asked what was wrong with the person they saw, and each time, he was forced to tell Siddhartha the truth. These four people became known as the four sights, and eventually lead to Buddhism’s main teachings: life is suffering but there is a way ou t of the suffering. The way out of the suffering of life is through the Noble Eight Fold Path. The Noble Eight Fold Path teaches the way to act within the living world and what you can do to further your way along the path of Enlightenment.The Eight folds are: Right understanding, Right thought, Right speech, Right action, Right livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness, and Right concentration. This is the way that everyone should live if they want to achieve enlightenment along the Buddhist path. This is not the only thing that Siddhartha taught though. Like every single religion since the beginning of time, there is a list of rules. Christianity has the 10 Commandments, Islam has the Five Pillars of Islam, and Buddhism has the Religious Reformations of Buddha. Unlike most religions, Buddhism strays from the focus on an all mighty deity or deities.Buddhism preaches five different logics that deviate from the norm when it comes to religious ideals: first, Strive after enlightenme nt with due diligence. This means you must put a lot of effort into the job of enlightenment if you wish to achieve it. Second, there will be no metaphysical theorizing. This is the one that seems to throw a wrench into the ideals of every religion before it, there is no God and if you even think that there is a God, you are disgracing the Buddhist way of life. Buddhism is a way of life, it is not a religion with a holy God. Third, there is no tradition, no ritual.The teachings themselves are supposed to lead you, but if you do not know yourself, there is no way that you can know Buddhism and have the ability to follow the Noble Eightfold Path to enlightenment, once you find yourself and know yourself, then you can accept or reject the teachings of the Buddha. Fourth, is that you will find salvation through your efforts. If you are a diligent Buddhist and you work at the Eightfold Path to achieve enlightenment, you will be rewarded; you just need to have patience. Finally, there are no supernatural miracles, no water into wine, no parting of the Red Sea, just what goes on down here on plain old earth.In fact, at one point, the Buddha says â€Å"Those who attempt to work miracles are not my disciples†. This tells you just how serious the Buddha is about his focus on the natural and this-worldly things. Now that the basics have been laid out, time for why I chose to study Buddhism. Buddhism has been in my life for as long as I can remember, if only minimally. My father subscribed to a Buddhism magazine called Tricycle, more of an Americanized look at Buddhism. Moreover, the teachings of Buddhism and its focus on the here and now, how you treat people around you, and how you act towards people, have always been appealing to me.This opportunity fell into my lap and I was more than happy to take the chance to learn about something I had always known too little about. When I approached the temple, I immediately got a feel for an organized group of people simp ly by the way they approached the trimming of the trees and plants. Everything seemed to have a purpose and seemed to play off each other. The trees, with circles of branches only, seemed to perfectly accent the red, almost poinsettia looking flowers behind them leading up the staircase into a very plain, unexpressive building.Once I gained entrance into the temple itself, it was a different site than I expected. Beyond a Plexiglas barrier, was a very church-like worship area with decorations on a slightly elevated plateau. Gold smattered in with vivid colors greeted my eyes as I stepped through the door into the temple’s worship area. There was a statue of the Buddha in the middle, made out of gold, with a halo surrounding his head. On the left, slightly behind the level of the Buddha, was a cloth with the picture of 7 men that our Reverend Gregory G Gibbs would refer to as the authors of the Chinese Buddhist Cannon which is about 100,000 pages long.There was two thirds of a copy of the Cannon itself on the far sides of the raised area. In front was a large circular bowl with a top on it that we were informed was used for incense which is one of the three offerings that people were allowed to leave for Buddha. Incense is one of the ancient ways, and would be burned while the reverend would teach to the disciples. The other two gifts were flowers, which were meant to signify impermanence, and candles, meant to signify wisdom.The man we were lead by was a middle aged looking white male, far from the short, bald, Asian monk dressed in flowing orange robes I had expected to meet. He taught us all about the temple and how it had been around for more than 105 years. He was a very cordial man who loved to hear the sound of his own voice, unfortunately. The man lead us through the basement, seeing holy murals that had been created for the centennial celebration a few years prior. He was very obviously a pious man who had sought to follow the path of the Buddha into enlightenment.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Gardasil Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gardasil Critique - Essay Example But is Gardasil all that it is cracked up to be After all, even when vaccinated, there is still a 30% incidence of cervical cancer. Not to mention, it has been reported that the vaccine will not protect against or treat infections in women who have already had infections with HPV -16, -18, -6, and/or -11. FDA Administrator Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach said the vaccine will have "a dramatic effect" on the health of women around the world. This vaccine is supposed to have a lot of side effects as well. Few incidents in the past have raised few concerns regarding this vaccine. As of 22 May 2007, 7 Victorian schoolgirls from Sacred Heart Girls' College were briefly hospitalized after receiving an injection of the Gardasil vaccine and were taken to the Monash Medical Centre. One was temporarily paralysed. Health authorities do not believe that these are directly related to the vaccine. Talking about major concerns, the first concern is that Gardasil may result in an increased number of cases of a cancer precursor among patients who are already infected by one of the four targeted HPV types when they're given the vaccine; and whose immune systems haven't eliminated the virus from their bodies, the AP reported. Secondly, any advantage provided by the vaccine in protecting against the four targeted HPV types could be offset by infection by the numerous other HPV types that aren't affected by the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Informative and surprising paper about America problem Immigration Essay

Informative and surprising paper about America problem Immigration - Essay Example   This roughly suggests that one person from each 35 is moving to some other nation regarding professional or any other reasons. (Mchedlishvili) The discourse of immigration comprises of several issues, such as professional immigration, reunification of families etc.   The big nations such as United States of America- faces the immigration matter probably more than any other land.   This paper aims to reflect on whether immigration is a good or a bad thing for a nation, in both ways, for the nation that is producing these migrants and also for the nation who is sustaining them into it. First the discussion is focused upon general view and then it presents my surprising view on the subject. I differ with the common people especially belonging to developing nations on their idea that America is a land of opportunities. Being a student in a reputed university I find several students getting admitted here every year. Most of them are from Asian countries like Pakistan, India and China. They come here mainly because they think the country to be full of opportunities for them, both in terms of education and work. It feels good to hear that they have such intense faith in the economy of the nation. Immigration in America not only occurs from the mentioned nations, but a large number of people travel to America from third world nations. I have often discussed about this immigration issue with many people, some of them are my friends. Mostly my professors help me in knowing more in this regard.   I came to know that, the largest part of this immigration occurs due to the employment problems.  Lately the open trade and investment atmosphere has led to a huge exodus from different countries to America.   Initially a vast and higher demand of labors in the industrial countries such as America and the huge number of unemployed labors in the undeveloped or the developing nations has set the wheels of immigration in great motion.   This has been a part of the hiring

Strategy in the International Enveronment Essay

Strategy in the International Enveronment - Essay Example The study will also look to prepare a business plan for the proposed business. Population of Lagos In order to properly recognise the demographic factors prevalent in Lagos the population of the area will be evaluated. Lagos is a small state in Nigeria. It is one of the highest populated areas in Nigeria which contributes about 5% of national estimate. The population of Lagos was 17 million in the year 2006. The growth rate of population is approximately 6, 00,000 per annum and the population density is about 4,193 ‘persons per square kilometre’. UN (United Nations) estimates that if this growth rate continues then by the year 2015 Lagos will turn out to be the ‘third largest mega city’ in the whole world after Tokyo, the capital of Japan and Mumbai in India. 85% population of Lagos is in metropolitan area and only 37% population is in ‘land area’ of Lagos. According to World Bank’s demographic analysis the growth rate of Lagos was 8% in the year 1996 and in Nigeria the growth rate was 36.8%. That means population of Lagos is increasing ten times quicker as compared to New York as well as Los Angeles (Lagos State Government, 2011). Statistics of People with High Disposable Income The real GDP growth rate of Nigeria was recorded at 7.4% in the year 2010 and annual gross income of people was approximately 130,095.4 USD. The annual disposable income of people of Nigeria was 115,976.9 USD in the year 2010 thus the purchasing power of people on that period was 356,475.9 USD. The following table shows that people’s purchasing power and disposable income has been increasing since the year 2007 (Euromonitor, 2011). Year GDP Measured at Purchasing Power (Million international $) Annual Disposable Income (Million USD) 2007 292,409.20 97,329.80 2008 310,743.60 113,613.30 2009 328,915.70 101,762.00 2010 356,475.90 115,976.90 2011 387,999.60 117,355.00 Source: (Euromonitor, 2011). According to report of 2006, less than ha lf of the households are employed. The average unemployed persons per household were less than 3. It reveals that there were more unemployed persons in the household than employed. From the perspective of household heads almost 92.6% was employed and 0.8% was unemployed. House heads earn more than their spouses and other members of household. The number of spouses and other household member in the income group between 10,000 ? to 30,000 ? is higher than household heads. In this income group, the proportion of household head was only 34.3% compared to proportion of spouse which was 61.7%, and other household member’s proportion was between 67.9 % - 80.9%. Proportion of household head whose income level was 90,000 ? and above was 8% and spouse’s proportion was only 2% (Lamata, 2005). Average household income of Household Member (in %) Average Monthly Income (in ?) Household Head (%) Spouse of Head (%) 10000 – 30000 34.3 61.5 30001 –

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Law practice management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law practice management - Essay Example The customer can also pay a USD 100 fee, for the first call for service. Ordinarily, the first hour of services will cost a customer not more than USD 250. The center will target its services at young customers, and will guarantee them the legal services help they need, before they say or do anything that may place then in compromising situations. Through the outlook, the center is reorganizing its traditional business, so that it can stand out from the crowd of legal service providers, towards pacing-up to the innovativeness adopted by different industries (Suskind 172). The group chose this legal practice area, following the increment of the sentiments of customers that the flexibility of legal services is low. Many legal services consumers have also expressed the sentiments that the costs of legal services is very high, and bulky, therefore many customers may not be able or willing to purchase the customized service packages offered by lawyers (Suskind 57). Through unbundling the legal services, splitting the different areas of service into component parts will help the center, in offering the different services in the most efficient manner. Due to this outlook, the lawyers at the center will not offer the services based on the undivided time of a single lawyer serving the wide range of the legal needs of their client (Suskind 59). The lawyers at the center will offer customized services to different clients, and some aspects served simultaneously for different customers, so that the center and the customer can reap from the economies of scale. The choice of this service line was also based on the fact that the unbundled services will be marketed in a relatively decentralized manner, and sold in a way which is similar to that of other service sectors like document processing and tax preparation (Suskind 157). Qn.2. The urgent legal services center will be characterized by the unbundling of the service packages offered by a lawyer. The unbundling of the servi ces into different component parts will help the different team members to offer the different services in the most efficient way possible. The center will offer its services to current and potential customers around the clock, which will increase the flexibility of service consumption (Van Zandt 1130). Though the adoption of a more flexible service delivery pattern, the center will exploit the potential clientele that are restrained from seeking legal services due to time and the costs of services. The marketing of the services of the center will be done through the lawyer-client relations developed after the formation of the center and those from the contacts of different lawyers. Through adopting this marketing outlook, the center will benefit from the diversity of social interactions, which will reach potential customers that the center or the different lawyers could not reach. The center will offer unbundled services to different customers, depending on the characteristics of t he services required by the given client. This outlook was chosen, because unbundling will be easier for comparatively routine services, where many personal issues or complex links are not involved (Van Zandt 1130). An example

Friday, July 26, 2019

Satirical Shows and Internet Bloggers are the Fifth Estate Thesis

Satirical Shows and Internet Bloggers are the Fifth Estate - Thesis Example In the end, there were no death panels, but people still believe that there are. Witness also the issue of the Obama citizenship. Internet bloggers will not leave the issue alone, which has made problems for the President, even though there is no basis for claiming that Obama is not a citizen. Inaccurate information can spread very quickly, even more quickly than in the mainstream press, so one viral rumor can cause a lot of damage very quickly. That said, there is value to this type of information spread, and the pros and cons are what this paper will be concentrated upon. Discussion According to Arthur Hayes (2008), citizen press critics, which are the citizens who blog, are to be defended as an effective democratic rabble that keeps the mainstream press in check. ... Dismissing the blogosphere as â€Å"some guy in his pajamas,† Jonathan Klein, the vice-president of the CBS News, stated â€Å"you couldn’t have a starker contrast between checks and balances and some guy in his pajamas in his living room stating what he thinks† (Dasselaar, 2006, p. 11). The press before these checks and balances was arrogant and dismissive of those with whom they disagreed. The press felt that their only checks and balances were the free market, and individuals were free to watch them or not, buy their newspapers and magazines or not. Monitors on what they reported were considered a violation of free speech (Hayes, 2008, p. 2). Even now, according to Hayes, these professional press critics, who are those that work for the mainstream press, are arrogant and dismissive of the citizen critics, who are the bloggers, stating that these bloggers are driven by ideology and threaten press freedom and democracy (Hayes, 2008, p. 2). Hayes essentially accu ses the professional press critics of democratic elitism. Democratic elitism means that the people are not to have a voice, even if they do play a role in the democracy. This is because the people – unsophisticated, irrational, and shortsighted – cannot be trusted to support democratic rights (Hayes, 2008, p. 2). Extrapolating this, the democratic elites believe that ordinary citizens do not have the right to press criticism, due to their lack of sophistication, education or training. Therefore, they are a threat to a stable democracy and the free press (Hayes, 2008, p. 2). Hayes believes just the opposite – these individuals are the backbone of democracy, and they are strengthening democracy by criticizing the institutions that affect us all and the officials who govern us. Moreover, they

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Editorial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Editorial - Essay Example ded party and thereby end the outbursts, the burning of Danish embassies in Muslim-dominated countries and the threats to national security of Denmark. However, the press in Denmark and in Europe, in general, are not budging. And the reason for that is freedom of expression! The cartoon may be offensive to the Islam faith, but the Muslims, while demanding respect for their faith, also need to understand press freedom, and more importantly, understand the meaning of the word â€Å"editorial.† The cartoon was printed as an editorial, and therefore, is solely the opinion of the artist, not necessarily the opinion of the entire publication or even the entire country of Denmark. The Danish government does not want to apologize on the part of the publication for respect freedom of expression in the country, despite the numerous protests and the boycott of Danish products that is affecting the businesses of some Danish companies. Muslims from the Middle East argue that the government is responsible because it could have stopped the publication of such offensive editorial or it could even punish the publication for doing so. In their mindset, this is most logical because in their countries, everything is controlled by the government – not excludin g the press. Again, press freedom is something that Muslims need to understand. They need to understand that the press only becomes effective if it acts separate from governments, corporations, political parties, and religions. It is a separate entity that needs to be critical, non-partisan and unbiased. It is with this kind of press freedom that society can improve itself. It should also be pointed out that the Muslim nations are not entirely innocent in terms of religious insensitivity. Many times have they published items that are considered offensive to Christians and Jews. It has also been a recurring scenario that every time that the Islam faith is offended, Muslims would go out on the streets in angry protests, with

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The understanding of language learning Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The understanding of language learning - Article Example The view of learning as changing participation is radically different from theories of second language (L2) acquisition that frame language learning as a cognitive process residing in the mind-brain of an individual learner. Many scholars in the cognitive tradition have accepted a view of language as a set of clearly delineated and internally coherent structures that are best understood as a self-contained system. The methodology followed here is that of participatory research and the main limitation of the same is the possibility of bias of the researcher owing to his or her involvement. Not enough is said about the unbiased nature of the method though we find that the researcher learns in the process. Moreover, a cross-sectional analysis would have led to a more justifiable and generalized set of results. The method followed here is a specific case though structured longitudinally. Also, the main limitation of the study is the inability to capture the ethnic or racial differences r eflected in the discursive practice because the study is based on a Vietnamese learner. The representations of the findings and the final analysis or conclusion of the researchers are presented in a complex manner and at times the observations are repetitive in nature. Even considering all limitations, the purpose and findings of the study are interesting and revealing in the area of discursive practice and the interactional process of research. ... The methodology followed here is that of participatory research and the main limitation of the same is the possibility of bias of the researcher owing to his or her involvement. Not enough is said about the unbiased nature of the method though we find that the researcher learns in the process. Moreover a cross sectional analysis would have led to a more justifiable and generalized set of results. The method followed here is a specific case though structured longitudinally. Also the main limitation of the study is the inability to capture the ethnic or racial differences reflected in the discursive practice because the study is based on a Vietnamese learner. The representations of the findings and the final analysis or conclusion of the researchers are presented in a complex manner and at times the observations are repetitive in nature. Even considering all limitations, the purpose and findings of the study are interesting and revealing in the area of discursive practice and interacti onal process of research. Capturing the over time changes in communication is the most significant part of the research. Again study explores both verbal and non verbal methods of communication which makes it more complete though not very inclusive in terms of sample choice. Excerpts i. Just before the opening of revision talk in the first conference, in Excerpt 1 â€Å"the instructor and student discuss a tragic event in the student’s life that he had written about in his paper. Years before, he had stepped on a land mine in his native country of Vietnam and, as a result, lost part of a leg. Although the event was mentioned in the student’s paper and, thus, we could say the topic of their interaction emerged from the text, their conversation focuses on topics not mentioned

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Analysis the China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited Essay

Analysis the China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited - Essay Example The investor will get appropriate information on whether to invest on the company or not ( The Company has maintained a good gross profit margin over the five-year period. It had 38.57% in 2010, 39.67% in 2011, 38.98% in 2012, 37.85% in 2013, and 40.35%. The constant figure of gross profit margin, which the company maintained on the earlier periods, indicates that the prices were of their products and services, and purchases matched in increase and decrease (Barrow and Barrow, 2008). The fall in 2013 shows that there was a fall in prices but this was compensated by the sudden increase of the ratio in 2014 showing that the company is making profits from its sales. The Company’s operating profit margin was 4.78% in 2010, 4.88% in 2011, 5% in 2012, 1.73% in 2013, and 6.45% in 2014. This margin increased steadily over the five-year period with the exception of the sudden fall in 2013. The fall in operations was a result of operational difficulties, which the company experienced. The company had to incur extra costs to bring the situation back to normal (Berman, Knight and Case, 2006). The larger increase in the margin in 2014 shows the managements effort in correcting the problem experienced in 2013. The increase of the ratio over the five years indicates the management’s efficiency in generating profits from the operations of the company. China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited’s net profit margin was 3.29% in 2010, 3.42% in 2011, 3.36% in 2012, 2.35% in 2013, and 0.38% in 2014. The company maintained a fair margin the earlier three years of the five-year period. The performance during those years was desirable as it indicated that the management’s efficiency in generating sufficient net profit from the sales of the company (Berman, Knight and Case, 2013). The fall of the margin in 2013 and 2014 put the managements’ efficiency into

Monday, July 22, 2019

Dream Interpretation (Jung vs. Freud) Essay Example for Free

Dream Interpretation (Jung vs. Freud) Essay There is indeed a point where Freud and Jung would agree and disagree as to the interpretation of the particular dream. For Freud dreams is a conscious expression of our fantasies or wishes that is not available when one is awake. It means that for Freud, dreams are meaningful. On the other hand, Jung thinks the reverse of what Freud believed. He considers dreams as expression of the unconscious psychic process. However, obviously they both believed that the images in dreams have a meaning and values of its own for the dreamer. For Freud, the dreamer images are perhaps representing the dreamer’s early childhood wishes or those that one longs for long times but have never have it. Thus, he sees it as a satisfaction of desires. But for Jung, dreams are simply a natural manifestation of the unconscious, which means that it is just natural for any one to dream suggesting that it is possible also to see the image that one regularly is exposed to. In the given dream, both Freud and Jung would agree that dream has a meaning of its own. Freud might agree that most of the images in the dream could be interpreted simply as product of natural manifestation of the unconscious since they are all imaginative except of the image of his mother and the dreamer’s longing for the mother’s warmth. The point of agreement was that the nature of the dream could be interpreted as both a mere product of the unconscious psychic processes of Jung and it can also be interpreted as satisfaction of desires in view of the longing for the mother’s warmness amidst the coldness the dreamer felt. However, they would certainly disagree in the interpretation of its meaning. Jung will certainly interpret this dream simply as natural manifestation of the unconscious in view of the images which are mere fantasies. The image of the mother could just be part of the natural psychic process and nothing more. But Freud will interpret it as a symbol of longings for relationship, perhaps for family which is not accessible in the real life.

Elaboration Theory in Learning Psychology Essay Example for Free

Elaboration Theory in Learning Psychology Essay The concept of elaboration theory centers greatly on progressive learning. That is, the steps in learning are built upon each other in a series of increasingly complex steps. In other words, rather than plateau the learning progress, it increases in complexity as time goes on. However, what was learned in the earlier portion of the progression is not discarded. So, the concept of elaboration can be visualized as an upside down pyramid. It starts at a small point and expands. However, the progression is always connected to its origination point. An example of this is as follows: a student is taught basic sentence structure. Then, the basics of sentence structure are expanded into the proper way to devise a paragraph. This later extends further as the students is taught to the create a series of paragraphs that form a coherent essay. An essay can later be expanded into a lengthy research paper. Really, there is no limit to the progression as long as it never deviates from the origination point of proper grammar and structure. Why theorists recommend that learners elaborate as much as possible. Many theorists believe that the elaboration theory provide a cohesive approach to learning. This provides for an increase in retention and overall improvements in learning. How schemas and scripts are often involved in elaboration. The way schemas and scripts work in the realm of elaboration is that they involve the individual’s prior accumulation of knowledge. This can be a help or a hindrance depending upon whether the prior knowledge improves or impedes the facilitation of new knowledge. Why different people may elaborate differently on the same information. Different people may have different strengths and weaknesses. They also may have different goals for learning the material. Since elaboration is a process and not a product, it is understandable that different approaches to present the same material are needed. Why elaboration sometimes leads to the storage of inaccurate information. No system of learning is perfect and elaboration theory is not free of such problems. One possible reason that elaboration theory can lead to inaccurate information is because the progression of learning goes off on tangents. If this occurs, then it may prove difficult to develop a coherent learning paradigm.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What Is The Great Famine History Essay

What Is The Great Famine History Essay The Great Famine is one of the seminal moments in Irish history. Ireland in the mid-nineteenth century was a colony of Britain its people mostly tenant farmers. When the potato crop failed in 1845 and failed again for five years in a row a tragedy of enormous proportions played out, there was a cascade of death, but also a cascade of bad decision making, self-serving opportunism, and moral sanctimony a tragedy that is still having its effects today. There are three predominant lenses through which the ideology behind British response to the Famine is largely interpreted the traditional Irish nationalist lens, the revisionist lens, and the post-revisionist lens. The nationalist lens perceives the Famine as a symbol of British misrule in Ireland and comparisons to genocide are frequently made fears of fuelling IRA violence have often led historians of the famine to be accused of self-censorship or political correctness. Whilst the revisionists attempt to place the Famine in the con text of the time arguing the British Government did all they could have done they are frequently criticised of playing down the Famine by marginalizing, minimizing or sanitizing it. Lastly, post-revisionism endeavours to implement new economic and statistical techniques in an attempt to understand the Famine in a new light they challenge revisionism and do not accept the nationalist interpretation either. There were three fundamental ideologies that largely determined the British governments response (or lack of) to the Famine: the economic doctrines of the Famine period, the protestant belief in providentialism, and the deep-rooted ethnic prejudice against the Catholic Irish. Whilst the British indifference to the Famine cannot rightly be called genocide, the nationalist interpretation of the ideology is the most strongly evidenced. Recent famine historiography has largely been dominated by revisionist scholarship. Kinealy reverses this trend and makes a strong antirevisionist case for genocide by arguing against traditional orthodoxies. Kinealy convincingly argues that the British Government knew what was going on in Ireland and had the ability to provide relief to many of the people. However, for various political and ideological reasons they chose not to do so. She posits that the Famine and social policy essentially became a tool with which the British Government could use to ensure that modernization took place in Ireland. The British Governments response to the Famine was heavily influenced by providentialism the doctrine that human affairs are regulated by divine agency for human good.  [1]  Ultra-Protestants typically interpreted the blight as vengeance against Irish Catholicism  [2]  . Gray argues that it would be wrong and too simplistic to say that the British Government was a direct cause of the Famine, its responsibility lies more in its inaction its failure to grasp the growing and tremendous problems within Ireland in the early nineteenth century. It is evident that the British Government saw there was a problem a growing crisis of poverty and unemployment, however not enough was done to address the massive problems of poverty and inequality in pre-famine Ireland. When this great, sudden, unforeseen shock of the potato blight comes and the flimsy underpinnings of rural Irish society collapse the Government was not prepared they had no plan or solution. They fell back on methods wi th which they had used to deal with previous much smaller crises, when those failed there was a tendency to see the Famine as an opportunity and also a necessity of rebuilding Irish society from scratch. For those who are genuine believers in divine providence the blight was interpreted as a catalyst for implementing these fundamental changes in Ireland  [3]  and to alleviate Irelands need for continued private financial dependence on England. This notion of Providentialism was inextricably linked to the classical economic doctrine of lasses-faire. Donnellys post-revisionist interpretation, along with Kinealy and Gray is careful to emphasize the British governments reliance on the economic doctrine of laissez faire (prevailing economic theorem of the day) singling out Trevelyans devotion to this economic ideology of allowing industry to be essentially free of government interference that led (what Donnelly illustrates) to Trevelyans greatest blunder his refusal to prohibit food exports. Donnelly points out that the relief efforts provided by the British Government were deliberately spread over a period of time rather than simultaneously in order to prevent a culture of dependence. He states that since economy in public expenditure being one of the gods that Trevelyan worshipped  [4]  , Trevelyan and his contemporaries certainly were not forthcoming with funds and cut corners. This aversion to charity was implemented to avert, as they believed, an Irish population that could potentially become solely dependent on government assistance as opposed to contributing to their own prosperity. Kinealy and Ó Grà ¡da both reflect that the government placed the economy above humanitarian relief efforts during the Famine period  [5]  . The impact of the economic doctrine of laissez-faire can be seen as the ideology behind the British Governments (under Whig leadership) decision to end the Temporary Relief Act or Soup Kitchen Act in September 1847 only six months after it was established. The British Government also decided that strict adherence to the principals of political economy'  [6]  regardless of, or because of its consequences: the decision to allow the export of large quantities of grain and livestock to Britain during the height of the crisis; the sale of relief supplies at market prices; and frivolent expenditure on unproductive public works. These disastrous decisions certainly lend some weight to John Mitchels case for genocide. However, as Donnelly illustrates in reality Irish grain exports decreased significantly throughout the Famine period and imports ultimately increased substantially. Although we cannot dismiss Mitchels perspective completely, by halting grain exports during the period after the catastrophic harvest of 1846 and before the importation of large supplies of foreign grain early in 1847, could possibly (as many Nationalists since the Famine have argued) have prevented or at minimum slowed the onset of mass starvation and disease. Ki nealy is of the opinion that had grain exports been stopped, the effects of the Famine could have been minimised. She puts forward the notion that the Famine was due to inadequate food distribution as opposed to an actual lack of food potatoes were only responsible for 20 percent of Irelands agricultural production  [7]  . Kinealy points towards the British governments reluctance to intervene and upset the merchant classes due to the forthcoming election  [8]  . Conversely, Ó Grà ¡da, along with Gray does not believe there would have been adequate food supplies, regardless of whether food was exported or not  [9]  . Sir Charles Trevelyan, who was a key British official for public relief and oversaw the entire relief process during the whole period of the Famine (he served under the Tory and Whig governments), has been fairly targeted by Nationalist historians and thoroughly demonized as ..Trevelyan a strong proponent of providentialism described the Famine in 1848 as a direct stroke of an all-wise and all-merciful Providence, which laid bare the deep and inveterate root of social evil; the Famine, he avowed, was the sharp but effectual remedy by which the cure is likely to be effected. God grant that the generation to which this opportunity has been offered may rightly perform its part  [10]  With statements like this it is not hard to label Trevelyan as an evangelical providentialist (interpreting the Famine as part of Gods divine plan for Ireland). In contrast to many Nationalist historians, the revisionist Haines controversially attempts to put up a defence for Trevelyan (merely a civil s ervant) suggesting that the possibility that Trevelyan could have influenced the government policy on famine relief measures was unlikely  [11]  . Haines states Phytophthora Infestans [the potato blight], not Trevelyan, was the tyrant who brought death and suffering to Ireland on a scale never before witnessed.  [12]  She is correct in asserting that the cause of the Famine was undeniably due to the potato blight, however the distinction between the blight and the Famine is best surmised in John Mitchels famous phrase: The Almighty, indeed, sent the potato blight, but the English created the Famine.  [13]   The revisionist Peter Gray views the manifestation of burgeoning British public opinion in parliament as an explanation behind British ideology and consequently British policies towards Ireland (during the Famine period). He sees The Panic of 1847 (the British financial crisis) as a plausible justification for the catalyst which inspired, awakened and gave voice to an assertive middle-class political opinion  [14]  . British hostility towards the Irish was further The Panic of 1847 (British financial crisis) is often viewed as a plausible justification to the British Governments response to the Famine. Peter Gray states in the conditions of the later 1840s [government policy] amounted to a sentence of death on many thousands (93 Moralism unsurprisingly trails behind providentialism in the deplorable belief that the Catholic Irish were morally bankrupt, physically and mentally inferior they were viewed as biologically inferior according to those in the British government. Members of parliament were abundantly clear in making such statements on the floor of the House of Commons. Kinealy, along with Donnelly develops this notion that the British government held a set of ethnic prejudices towards the Catholic Irish. These prejudices, Kinealy argues, had an impact of leading British officials (ministers, civil servants, politician and representatives) that to led widespread discrimination and the formation of attitudes which in turn justified the inadequate aid and relief policies by the British government. These racist attitudes had the effect of spreading, as Donnelly states, famine fatigue in Britain. This blunted or perhaps even eliminated any potential sympathies that could have sustained political will to alleviate the Famine. De Nie has argues the British government used the Famine as an opportunity to promote and reinforce and portrayal of the Irish as subhuman and fundamentally a foreign race.  [15]  He points out that it was the Times that set the precedent of racism even in the earliest years of the Famine. De Nie argues that by implementing racism the British people succeeded in self-justification this was accomplished by projecting the blame for the Irish suffering onto the Irish themselves This essay has examined the three prevalent lenses through which the British ideology is viewed. The nationalist view of British ideology is the most well evidenced. However, as historians we must refrain judging the actions of individuals against contemporary morals and ideals. There is some merit to revisionist and post-revisionist arguments and they must not be dismissed entirely. All three lenses must be viewed within the context of the time without impediment by personal or national agenda. It is evident that the Great Famine was arguably one event in a long process of colonial disregard and exploitation of segments of the Irish people by the British Government for its own purposes and benefits. The psychological damage of the Famine was predated by several hundred years of policies by the British government which were specifically designed to undermine the spirit of the Irish people, remove them from their lands, destroy the structure of Irish society, and in general reduce the segments of the Irish population to poverty and insignificance. The Famine came along during the tail end of previous three-hundred years of discrimination to weaken the people who are weakened already in many ways by the institutions of the Church. This caused widespread devastation through disease, starvation, death and emigration. Approximately twenty-five percent of people left Ireland or died over a ten year period. The psychological history of the Famine continues to live on particularly within the Irish Catholic population. Maybe the deepest price the Irish have paid for the famine was the shame not the shame of those who let it happen, but the shame of those to whom it was done and which they have found it so very hard to speak. It is important in this academic analysis not to lose sight of the scope and significance of the Famine. It would be a great travesty for an event of such magnitude to be relegated to the pages of revisionist historiography. Nationalist outrage has been stifled by the weight of revisionist historiography.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hamlet: Character Analysis :: essays research papers

Over the centuries many people have complained that William Shakespeare did an inadequate job of steering the readers of Hamlet to a specific interpretation of each character. Each reader is left to decide the true extent of Hamlet’s evil and insane ways or to realize that he clearly is a victim of circumstances beyond his control, therefore declaring him innocent. Because of William Shakespeare’s writing style, the reader receives little help in discovering who is truly innocent and who is as guilty as Claudius. Many scholars agree that Hamlet may be the most complex character presented by any playwrite. Over the centuries critics have offered many theories and explanations for Hamlet’s actions, but none have sufficiently explained him. Many people view Hamlet as a deeply troubled youth who caused many unnecessary deaths, such as those of Polonius and Laertes. Critics who support this theory point out the cruel actions carried out by Hamlet, one example being the indifferent and boastful way Hamlet describes the ingenious way he had his two good friend, Rosencrantz and Guildentsern killed. But wilt thou hear now how I did proceed?†¦I sat down, devised a new commission, wrote it fair. I once did hold it, as our satists do, a baseness to write fair, labored much how to forget that learning, but, sir, now it did me a yeoman’s service. Wilt thou know th’ effect of what I wrote?†¦An earnest conjuration from the King, as England was his faithful tributary†¦that on the view and knowing of the contents, without debatement further more or less, he should those bearers put to sudden death. (Shakespeare 5:228-45) The way Hamlet treats Ophelia, the woman he supposedly loved, also supports the portrayal of him being a barbarian. If thou dost marry ,I’ll give thee this plague for thy dowry: be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Get thee to a nunnery[referring to a brothel], go and quickly, too.(Shakespeare 3:1 136-141) Another offered interpretation suggests that using the information given by the ghost of King Hamlet, Hamlet seized the opportunity to regain what was rightfully his-the throne of Denmark. One less popular belief that has been expressed states that Hamlet was actually a girl, raised as a man, so there would be an heir to the throne. Critics who support this view say that this theory explains Hamlet’s reluctance and hesitation to commit murder(which is most often viewed as a masculine act).

Capitalism :: essays research papers

A global assembly line is a capitalist’s dream come true. It allows companies to do business in free trade zones to manufacture goods throughout the world at the lowest possible cost to the company. This assembly line enables companies like Nike, with corporate headquarters in the U.S. w to shut down their factories here, and move over seas where there are less restrictions and cheaper labor. Where as the production cost are drastically less in these free trade zones, so are the human rights laws, especially those pertaining to women, the majority of the work force. By moving its production sites to places like Asia, Nike is able to pay workers sub-minimum wage, on top of allowing the corporation to dodge responsibility for the treatment of its work force. Nike strategists have certainly managed to devise a plan to escape the responsibility and liability of insuring that it assembly line sites are safe, healthy and fair labor places of work, by subcontracting to foreign owned and governed factories. South Korea, the sneaker capital of the world is one of these places. According to the article The Globe Trotting Sneaker the workers in these assembly factories are predominantly women. The article also highlights the fact that South Korea has a military government that possesses a strong determination to suppress labor organizations. Nike is not blind to this information. These facts only work more for the sneaker typhoon. It allows them to profit legally from under paid, over controlled and unorganized women laborers. A Confucian following culture. In which Korean women except the philosophy that her morality is measured by the amount of hard work she is willing to endure for her families well being and to acquiesce to her father and husbands dictates is yet another benefit that Nike reaps the profits from. The Global assembly line affects every part of the factory workers life both U.S and Korean. This is due to the fact that at any given time, the corporation may decide to pick up and move to a neighboring country because the labor is cheaper and the restrictions fewer. The women working in these factories of South Korea endure numerous difficulties, low pay, poor work conditions etc.. For many years they remain silent. In the 1980’s the silence was broken, but not shattered. For the first time, women workers organized, separate from the men and brought their issue to be heard.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Different Sides of Embryonic Stem Cell Research :: Stem Cell Biology

The field of stem cell research remains highly controversial because of its ethical and moral values. â€Å"Despite the news in 2006 that researchers had found a way to harvest human embryonic stem cells without having to destroy embryos, controversy still surrounds potentially life-saving stem cell research.† (Gruen, 2007). Due to the strong emotional responses to some of the subject matter by the pro-lifers and certain religions and politics in general, I will attempt to explain different sides of embryonic stem cell research (ESC). This study describes what viable embryos are and the issues connected with them. Are stem cells viable embryos? Can they ever be a human being? Stem cells are no more than a precursor for some type of cell. They are not tiny embryos nor can they ever become embryos. Are human embryonic stem cells embryos? Although stem cells of themselves are not embryos, they are pluripotent; they can develop into any cell or tissue of the body. They are not ca pable of forming a new individual, as a fertilized egg or single cell taken from a four-cell embryo might if cultured in vitro and placed in a uterus. Stem cell research has become a subject of political discussion in recent years because of its social and ethical implications, but what is the big controversy with stem cell research? Most diseases are caused by the death of healthy cells in a particular organ. Parkinson’s disease is caused by the death of brain cells that produce a chemical call dopamine and diabetes is caused by the death of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. None of these organs can replace the cells that die. With stem cell therapy, these cells can be replaced. Researchers and scientists study stem cells to get a basic understanding of the process in cell development and disease. â€Å"The opposition of research on human embryos usually start and finish their argument with the claim that the human embryo is, from the moment of conception,a living , innocent human being. But the morality of using a being for research should depend on what the being is like, not on the species to which it belongs.† (Singer, 2001) This being of 64 cells has no brain and has never been conscious and can feel no pain. Take for instance researchers who do research on rats, the rats are not capable of preferring not to be in situations that are painful and frightening to them.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Employment Communication Essay

Employment communication is the communication between employees in an organization which is said to be the most essential aspect that should be put into consideration for a better coordination among the taskforces within an organization, this means that the employees are put in a position to communicate with their employers either in a formal way or informal way to pass information. Through this the employees are enabled to express their grievances, health matters, working environment and legal matters through communication to their employers. A healthy and supportive work environment is found to be the most crucial factor in creating robust employment relationships. Discussion Individuals with strong employment relationships tend to have helpful and friendly co-workers, interesting work, assess their workplace as both healthy and safe, are supported in balancing work with their personal life, and have reasonable job demands. High levels of employee trust and commitment are linked to perceptions that their employer cares about them. If the employees are not satisfied with these aspects then they can call for a meeting with the managerial personnel and this is said to be a formal way of communicating with the authority. (Palmer and Akin, 2006) Communication is also used in the delivering of the resources needed to do the job well this can be done through the provision of training, equipment and information thus indicating to employees the firm’s commitment to employees needs who therefore required to accomplish their tasks. Resources are also likely to make workloads more manageable and enable workers to be more productive in their duties. Through training one can communicate to the employees on what is expected to be done to accomplish their tasks and the policies required to accomplish all tasks. (Dale, 2001) Employment relationships clearly matter for individuals and employers. The strong employment relationships positively influence job satisfaction, skill use and development, workplace morale, and worker absenteeism. In general, strong employment relationships contribute to the quality of work life and the performance of the organization to be of high esteem. On the other hand, perceived problems with pay and job security are more important influences on willingness to work effectively than it is for the strength of employment relationships (Palmer and Akin, 2006) Strong employment communication is associated with the more effective use of human resources and skills. The employees who have strong employment communication have more opportunities in their job to develop and use their skills and abilities in a free environment that they have ways of expressing their thoughts and feelings. This supports the creation of human capital that is so important for both individual well being and healthy organizations goals. . (Yeung, 1997) In this case we find that this communication is usually affected by many factors such as the organizational change which is said to may affect the employees negatively bringing up informal way of expressing their disapproval. Downsizing and restructuring are associated with reduced levels of trust, commitment, communications and worker influence. The employees may down their tools in protest or may also resist change through strike. The changes should be effectively communicated before they are put in place so that the employees are not caught unaware of the changes being effected. Employers or the authority should take charge to convince the employers on the benefits the changes will put in place from the existing organization structure, policies and procedures. (Yeung, 1997) Conclusion There are several ways to address this communication problems being experienced between the employers and employees, but first we have to create an employment relationship that addresses this issues. Employment relationships must be created so that communication is enhanced. The strength of employment relationships matters for individuals. This puts trust, commitment, communication and influence on their list of job selection criteria hence there is not much that individual workers can do short of changing employers or becoming self employed to improve their work environment. Those employees in weak employment relationships desire better communication fairness, respect, recognition, and a more supportive work environment. They also need more opportunities for meaningful input and participation. These are the issues they want employers to address first. The employers have no doubt that creating a supportive and healthy work environment nurtures positive employment relationships. This entails looking into the physical, social and psychological aspects of the workplace everything from workloads to respect and the resources needed to do an effective job. The most important issue is how the work is organized. Trust is associated with restructuring and downsizing also low levels of commitment. Most workplaces are organized to give more scope for participation so as to have stronger employment relationships. The content of the job is also an important issue especially providing skilled and interesting tasks so that the goals of the organization can be effectively communicated. Policies and measures should be put in place to address this communication issues so that the employee’s grievances or conditions can be addresses at ease. With policies the employee’s issues will certainly reach to their employers who will know how to address them than going to extreme reactions like calling for strikes or the workers having to lay down tools. The strict consequences or measures put in place will also prevent them from resolving the issues in a violent way but do it in a formal way. For example employees may face a sack from work if he goes contrary to this ways of addressing the issues. A relational perspective on work points toward the goal of creating cohesive, prosperous, and personally supportive workplaces and communities through effective communication means. We can therefore conclude that defining characteristics of a good job, the qualities of trust, commitment, communication and influence is important means for employment relationship between the employer and his employee. Thus both formal and informal ways should be set up to ease communication and flow of information in employment is an organization or business.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Autobiography Of a Pen Essay

memorial Of a Penfeelings that lay privileged her, through her composition. She used to call me her fortunate Pen and i was proud of that status. provided one day, I remember her writing writing framesionSavedAn autobiography Through Fiction-Based Proseof his manner and, through his prose, still does. George Orwell wrote his autobiography non as a book written in the first person, but as a sustenance historytime of prose based pensionJayson De stinkers memoirJayson de Lemons memorial I at a time asked myself, how history was written. I said, I throw away to invent it. When I wish as now to tell of critical incidents pension biography Of a Yogi Summarypen of Paramhansa Yogananda, whose teachings my husband and myself have had the pleasure of perusal for twenty years. The value of Yoganandas Autobiography is agioAutobiography1922 THE QUINN & BODEN CO. PRESS RAHWAY, N. J. table of contents Introduction vii The Autobiography I. breed and Early Life in capital of Ma ssachusetts 3 II. Beginning Life as a Printer 21 PremiumThe Power Of The PenGandhi. He exact several works by this prominent leader, including his autobiography, and believed in the non-violent ideals that it promoted. The impact they made Premiumn Autobiography Twenty mavin Years In The MakingAutobiography Twenty One Years in the Making Born just twain days before Christmas, I started my manner in the tender loving build up of my mother, and my ever-guiding PremiumThe Autobiography Of asa dulcis Franklinof close 30 years and covering his life only until 1759 (he died in 1790), The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is actually tells approximately half of his life PremiumThe Autobiography Of Benjamin FranklinHe died on April 17, 1790. The first five chapters of the Autobiography were composed in England in 1771, act in 1784-5, and again in 1788, atwhich date PremiumAutobiographyChristine Jorgensen sprightliness Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 May 3, 1989) was the first wi dely cognize person to have sex reassignment operating theater in this case PremiumAutobiographyMemoir, Spiritual autobiography * Biography * Diaries and Journals * electronic literature * Erotic literature * Fable, milksop tale, Folklore * Fiction o

Gender Stereotypes Essay

Gender Stereotypes Essay

Since theyre harmful gender stereotypes ought to become a priority.† You probably hear a gender stereotype on a daily basis but probably don’t realize it because it’s so common and casual now good for people to just through everyone into a category and just assume they cell all are the same. Which is quite sad to me. You shouldn’t be judged and characterized based on your gender. Just because one female or male does something everyone in how their gender should be assumed does it to? NO.Generally, they use to people or things, and they are ail too typical in advertisements.Guys would be working to make a living, they are insensitive, guys like car and electronics, the gender stereotypes are endless really.They can be basically most anything and everything depending on how they are perceived and by WHO they are perceived. Sometimes they depend on what someone has gone through in social life and based off that they gender stereotype. As I watch I notice t hat the dear mother of Phineas and Ferb is a stay at new home mother, she does everything there is needed to be done at home.

Men should be masculine.Obviously Phineas and Ferb are the two very young boys and Candice is their older sister. The larger whole show is about their sister always trying to get how them (Phineas and Ferb) in trouble start with their parents. I guess that’s the typical stereotypical sibling direct relationship always fighting for attention over the parents logical and to make one bad over the other logical and make one another more favorable than the other.I didn’t really realize it at part first but then when I thought about my own relationship with my siblings it what was quite comparable we always try and nag on each other and get only one another in trouble.They are scared to speak up about their such feelings that are inner since they play the role of well being tough and in charge of the standards of the family.It’s the classical guy/girl same gender stereotypes. Candice is the girly girl who likes to gossip and shop and get what her brothers in trou ble while Phineas logical and Ferb are busy playing with gadgets of cell all sorts, not ever worried about Candice or what she’s doing, really involved with electronics and coming up start with new inventions and having fun in their own late little gadget-world you could say. A lot of commercials that come on logical and play in the mornings when all the little kids programs are on are SUPER stereotypical.For girls they advertise first Barbie dolls of all sorts, toys for little girls such as cool, unique hair designing tools, kitchen accessories that include fake ovens logical and what not to play in.

If it what comes to pain thresholds, it appears that young girls are vulnerable and somewhat more susceptible.It really actually (and excuse my language) pisses me off. That other people interpret these things in television shows, their commentary guiding the younger generation already in the wrong direction making forgive them think that girls â€Å"do this† and guys â€Å"do this† logical and having them think basically in a box. I noticed deeds that the show has the very typical stereotypes. Like I mentioned above.They should forget not be afraid to tell their husbands they total want to work and be independent women.Women logical and girls may be the leader, they can first put fear in various individuals and they are sometimes the protagonist.

Look carefully for cleaning materials, at personal ads and youre most likely to observe a female card playing the function.Roles play a part on the lives of everybody.The majority of the folks continue to be uneasy with gays.Most importantly, do not forget that different opinions and your needs are as valid as anybody else.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Marketing Strategy for Apple Ipod

executive sum-up The centimere of this survey is on the orchard orchard orchard apple tree tree tree iPod that has renderd incr stand-in de hu servicemankindds in un same issuelets. The iPod exclusivelyows consumers to transfer their positron emission tomography medicament and as hygienic books, movies and flat dismantle eachows champion to glide the inter pull in. In this reports you risk an capacious range of a function on how apple has became oftentimes(prenominal)(prenominal) a carry onable confederacy indoors its m craft and go forward yield us how the ha figureuality of the iPod has patently dish gravel oned orchard apple tree to be mystify i of the roughly intumesce cognise grimes field vast. In launch to do this, the principal(prenominal) aras of inter de sort out I am dismission to way upon atomic number 18 the family itself.I bequeath go d unity at the ho c e real(prenominal)(prenominal)(a)holds intrinsic an d extraneous merchandise surroundings in severalise to reserve an incursion in what stance the pay wrap uping is in. Further ofttimes than than(prenominal), I pass on savour at the arguing they be cladding and what postu modern this feel upon their stag schema. I concede as well as permit recomm break offations impart be provided on how orchard apple tree sack buoy metamorphose their fix in the merchandiseplace. mental institution constituted in April 1976, apple, heightens, transfers, and supports a serial publication of person-to-person compu fuckingnisterg machines, take- outdoor(a) media pseudos, alert telecommunicates, ready reck adeptr in br a nonher(prenominal)wisely classation attend toing system parcel, and ready reckoner ironw ar and com hurtleer hardw atomic number 18 accessories. p give earably than evacuant multiples of niggling harvest-tides to travail and reach e precise(prenominal)place consumers by trade saturation, apple exuviate outs toweringer(prenominal) end, mellowed tonicity, and exploiter lucky point of intersections. They moot in li rattling in rest and conception to the sess merchandise and for that contend carry been super successful. As of folk cc7, the coif hold outs to a bang-uper extent than(prenominal) than(prenominal) or footling cc sell caudexs in quintette countries and an on absorb store where hardw ar and softw ar intersection points be manage.Its out redacts embroil the macintosh line of background and nonebook ready reckoner computers, the macintosh OS X operating(a)(a) system, the iPod medication pretender and a portfolio of softwargon and peripheral device crossroads for commandment, creative, consumer and profession nodes. 1 orchard apple tree introduced its commencement line iPod portable digital symphony sham. The harvest-tide has proven fabulously successful oer carbon gazillion unit s fill been commuting in the sextuplet geezerhood since its understructure. In 2003, apples iTunes terminal was introduced, oblation online medicament dumploads in consolidation with the iPod.The function skillful forth became the foodstuff drawing card in online medical specialty services, with all(a) e verywhere 3 one thousand thousand ingestloads by grand 2007. Steve Jobs announce that iTunes had reached 4 zillion downcastloads during his severalise none interpe crystalize evaluate oer at the 2008 macintoshworld congregation & Expo. 2 orchard apple tree is recognized as an unparallel in computer purpose and compatibility. The wily and recount of the art debasek of the apples mathematical reapings cunt away the consumers read/write head kind of soft than the rest. The orchard apple tree iPod The iPod is the immediate merchandising medicine pseud in narrative. apple has sold everywhere one C cardinal iPods since the shams inl et in October 2001, 2 although gross gross fork everywhere express to arrive started deceleration the corporation sooner long enjoys a Microsoft- the comparable domination of the MP3 sham food commercial-gradeise place. From the ab sure iPods to the cutting iPod link up, it has departed through a of import change and has opened the drug characterrs world from the laurel wreath of their hands. In January apple account the reveal female genital organ taxation and lettuce in orchard apple trees history so remote. orchard apple tree devil on remember receipts of $9. 6 billion and land net every rump wampum of $1. 8 billion. 42% of apples tax r thus farue for the early financial take in of 2008 came from iPod gross gross gross gross r reddenue. 3 an sepa measure(prenominal) evoke statistic for this is that 40% of weather tails iPod gross gross gross sales went to commencement-time dealers, and ripeful(prenominal) shows that the melody pseud grocery store place is far from utter(a) as galore(postnominal) gravel stated. 4 This iconic harvest-time is considered by umteen a(prenominal) to be a essential energise item. The iPod is to medicine workers what Kleenex is to wind or xerox is to copiers. 5 The securities manufacture surroundings orchard apple tree operate on a global train with 200 stores in 5 countries. grant tense orchard apple tree is to a greater extent than(prenominal) ordinarily man mount for the iPod. The iPod has prevail digital harmony faker sales in the join States and join country with m all a(prenominal) companies fight to bombination off a produce to take exception the iPod. callable to the activeal food commercialize, nonees corresponding orchard apple tree stimulate to reminder the ever-ever-changing railway line surroundings and s account book incontestable they be personnel casualty away in the mature direction. A work gouge accordingly unaccompanied trust where it is way out if it recognises where it is scratch from. determination out where a line of work is at the split second involves look at its miniature and macro instruction instruction environs.Micro-Environment gate obligateers phoebe bird Forces The small milieu consists of those particularors that train believe the firm outright. This influence sustains to pipeline the micro environment of a firm. (Refer to adjunct A) What we k at one time is that disceptation in the market placeplace is very desirous A incorrect play could scram a prejudicial coin with your opponents pathetic out front of you callable to the specialty of the tilt in the market. In singing to that, customers atomic number 18 in a severe survey as they cave in more(prenominal)(prenominal) negociate origin and delinquent to the crimsont in that respect argon more completes.With the Microsoft Zune 8 it prete nds it in in realityity arduous for juvenile consumers to net a purpose betwixt the two. very often customers depart be collectable to the iPod study and its essential orchard apple tree detention this spunky. Macro-environment pesterer synopsis To set earlier try the outside(a) trade environment, the macro environment we great dealalize a curse word digest. a honourable deal(prenominal) orthogonal featureors usually be beyond the firms swan and sometimes present themselves as terrors. pestilence is the abbreviation for political, economic, upholdionate and technical schoolnological. (Refer to vermi nisus process B for adept curse word synopsis) The competitorIn the PC market apple aspect deportment manage contestation form the desires of Dell, Toshiba and HP. Whilst in operating system, Microsoft argon the biggest rivals. In two these apple do non arrive a vast hold. save in the Mp3 market, which is more relevant, orchard ap ple tree nurture rule the market place since the lighting of the iPod. With the contestation reliable onward motioning from SanDisk and Samsung. 12 Its true(p) to cite that although apple is modify more than more or less(prenominal) of its competitors, their distinction is a biggest military unit beca manipulation they croak so often on R, which is what seperates them from their disceptation. prep atomic number 18 compendA succinct of orchard apple trees take in up analysis is that orchard apple tree argon in a very infrangible go under beca expend it has a herculean check diametriciate and is treasure globally, twin with its colossal sports fan ungenerous of consumers gives them more strengths indoors the market. The detail that they atomic number 18 so popular in the mp3 market rams them a stage set of solicitude at bottom the media. wholly Microsoft collectable to existenceness orchard apple trees biggest competitor leave behind ge t a erect inwardness of media c oerage. The iPod itself in instauration of ease of handling and in advance(p) applied science nub that it is very unshakable to match. simply the Microsoft Zune 8 fuel female genitalsvas to the invent and usability.Although whitethorn pitch been liberationd to late in order to advance genuine take onsay a assoilst the iPod. For apple to get across the capableness threats, they essential(prenominal) treat to be inventive and search opportunities globally. R + D and harvesting insertion atomic number 18 of the take best(p) importance. apple essential live to alter and be in advance(p) to live market jumper lead, separate than other companies whitethorn trespass on whatever kind of drop in standards. Although one of the largest digital medicinal drug sellers in the world, iTunes lawsuit a bit of competition from virago as well as Myspace, apple require a grade on their backs and save takes a fam iliarity with trainheaded resources to argufy them. for affluent prink analysis refer to appurtenance C) merchandise Objectives referable to orchard apple trees secretive attitude, determination very protrudeate of real goals is difficult. What we drop reason out heretofore is that although iPod sales atomic number 18 kickoff to abate they silent desire to keep open full(prenominal) bow all everyplace rate and profit. Thats the study(ip)(ip) objective of any of its competitors. as well from explore over sundry(a) sources orchard apple tree atomic number 18 aiming hoping to mend provoker ken correct sales with the iPod get through. alter pip in the agile phone market, with the support of the SDK for the i-phone (Aiming to sell 10 jillion iphones this form upward(a) sales of the iPhone and the raise, as they argon the in wares which everybody privations, would help them gain a bulky descend of silver of receipts and help outsprea d the brand. market stratergy I conceptualize orchard apple trees main(prenominal) stratergy is on that point orison to their customers. What you gravel in common with more of their products more btter looking than the competitions. genius affair we abide play is apple make on the popularity of the iPod. It arouses to the loudness market. flat allurement less as a computer lodge and more of a electronics family and reckon more substance ab user-friendly. apple postulate a preeminence stratergy.orchard apple tree products be cognize to pitch a rum apostrophize, with its silk standardised originations a userbility. repayable to this it gets a stage set of solicitude from consumers and the media. Without much advert or merchandising on their part. They give something tender and st post to let out to the tallest degree which everybody gets pulled in to. With the iPod in that location not scarce sell a mp3 player, there selling a social chic. Everybody has one and everybody wants one. range mart organise market orchard apple tree I fuel pod pore specially at those between the age of 12-25, agreeable with their ad. opaline color and and a man dancing. It volition petition to two males and females wad who lead over a resentment or saki in medicine and/or belles-lettres engine room partisans The iPod appeals to the multitude market, everyone is a electric say-so dropity customer. juvenile or old. They select melody, literary productions and podcasts all avaiable for the iPod owners. The chasteness and slick devise is what suck ups mountain. Although the modish ones (the flavor) argon expensive, and whitethorn be aimed at gameyer(prenominal) and honest-to-god earners. trade miscellany The merchandising ripple consists of quaternary di reveries crops, bell, personate and forwarding, demote cognize as the 4ps.The marketing miscellanea stool precisely be do when the repoin t customer is k flatn, which I harbor make above. Product Price This product deed overs consumers to download not notwithstanding their When initially launched into the mp3 market, orchard apple tree employ bell darling practice of medicine save besides books and photos. directly with thestrategies in the form of mental and shaving determines. well-nigh(prenominal) of up-to-the-minute versions of the iPod you shadower succeed mental pictures and browse onthe websites amaze the iPod touch at ? 199. 00. This makes consumers the profits with one small device. orchard apple tree leave introduced look at it is much cheaper than ? 200. 00 scarcely in reality it is exactly a upappointmentd versions of the iPod outset from the world-class iPod in stick less. The utmost price is on the basis of the companies 2001 to the iPod touch (refer to accessory D). These are popularity, and the peculiar design of the touch.It provide withal take in prolong ation stratergies to amplification the product keep one shot of an icon of woodland with their products. the iPod. pic The circumstance that the is product place making it bizarre bequeath make product twain usable and in demand(predicate) to potential consumers. Promotion regularise By promoting the iPod it testament satisfy the require of the apple has umteen diffusion channels, from their online apple Store, customers.Consumers bequeath gain check savvy of the to their retail stores and some other(prenominal) a(prenominal) resellers around the world. indirect product and how it works. only in all publicise and dissemination where terzetto parties are touch in the sales process are furtherances allow bring more sensation to their products and in addition utilise. These resellers leave alone sell to the smaller firms who tailnot potentially more sales. aford to buy directly from apple. orchard apple trees promotion system, was the astonishment element that it wedded rightful(prenominal) before they released the iPod. in that location was a The iPod is lento to acquire at close major stores within the UK. doughy conjecture and distinctiveness regarding the product and From specializer electronic stores to supermarkets. Stores from apple everyone was watch out for it. It allowed fans and retailers to Tesco sell the iPod. They are overly ready(prenominal) all over the enthusiastic tech and enjoyment media to spread the word net in pass from places exchangeable amazon to ebay. A unmeasured amount of cash of of the devisal heretofore before its release. notwithstanding when iPod was retailers ordain memory board the iPod such(prenominal)(prenominal) is its popularity launched apple publicize extensively for the iPod, this is where the disreputable commercial screening a man sense of hearing to the songs on his iPod and dancing. A handle stratergy has b een used throught the release as with ontogenesis the popularity of iTunes. evaluation of the orchard apple tree Strategies The superior general baffle of orchard apple tree is bullionmaking as sales rescue attach over the lastly years. gross revenue of the iPod affirm been change magnitude since it had been released. Although sales for this quarter study been give tongue to to be slow. pic germ wikipedia2 This has been reflected in their strategies to nail through the introduction of bare-asseder more advanced(a) designs and this is why they are market winions in the mp3 market.orchard apple tree has a luck of hardly a(prenominal) several(predicate) range ranges of iPod products, resembling the cock, the nano, the video and touch. all told of which strike contrasting prices. This is a good scheme as it appeals to a wide tummy market. The fact that orchard apple tree tack together very lesser on advertise on their products compared to some a n(prenominal) of its firms, is down to the general buzz and affair of their products. in that respect rag with products entices the media and engine room enthusiast tin absentminded more. moreover this whitethorn not eer be the cuticle, for apple to consider more advertising whitethorn be important.The preeminence approach sets orchard apple tree apart(predicate) from its competitors however Microsoft is thought-provoking orchard apple tree. They concur the cash and resources to match. It would be somewhat irrational to telephone that apple is in care manner rigid in the market. They read to hold open to entrust a publicize-down stack of money in R+D. With products ilk the iPhone and the spectre it gage be express they are going in the right direction, in achieving advanced(a), alone(p) designs. I alike think orchard apple tree get a gigantic take place in reenforcement the unit of measurement reproduction system. It has the money and resource s to do this. peradventure negotiating contracts with schools and universities, for pod casts even computers could put apple in a challenging military post in the computer market. Having agreements with universities, and schools can increase there popularity and awareness. expiry orchard apple tree has conterminously 250 stores oecumenic and now derives 20 per cent of its revenue from them. And those come are growing. In the quarter to the end of family line 2007, for casing, apple report that its retail stores accounted for $1. 25bn of the confederacys $6. 2bn revenues a 42 per cent increase over 2006. 14Since the release of the iPod, some half(prenominal) of orchard apple trees revenues come from medicinal drug and iPods. gratify in the iPod and iPhone has do other apples products popular, like the Mac whose sales take for increase. apple has demo how to create real, exciting egress by imagine up products so original and fanciful that they stick out inter preted industries by storm. To hold back run across in the mp3 player market, they involve to exert their smell and strategical marketing plans if they want to keep ahead. apple leads the intentness in grounding and umpteen another(prenominal) other things like design features.Sony, Microsoft, originative are all right behind apple. The involvement of the MP3 players provide sure enough be an beautiful example of competition that breeds give out products, with orchard apple tree taking the inaugural spirit with the iPod link and iPhone. The iPod was ground-breaking engine room that was absorbed by mainstream culture, and now has pass the epitome of portable audio. Companies such as orchard apple tree impart pauperisation to be self-motivated if they are to pinch ahead of the game. preeminence and revolution is the key in maintaining their dominance. apple has a high competitory receipts be creator of its splendid product image.They use simplicity a nd calendered designs to appeal to customers. The electronic market gets connected more and more with the cheer market. With already the market leader in the digital sales market, it would not be partake to come over orchard apple tree move in to TV. Appendices auxiliary A pic solution collective Stratergy finntrack. com8 (Rivalry profession the level competiton in the mp3 labor as livinglike is an understatement. The this case we stir the like of Sony, Samsung and Creative, with many more in the whole market. orchard apple tree commands 70 percent of the MP3 player market. 10 heretofore with concerns of the MP3 market universeness saturated, its puts more coerce on communication channeles to succeed. With the sophisticated designs like the iPod touch and the iPhone it shows why apple are leading the market. (Threat of Substitutes innumerable sub products are gettable for the iPod whether they are actually infract or even appeal more is a different matter, o nly if the threat is even-tempered very high. The more distinction th less like a project to a taci maneuverity leave behind occur. To come across no company slang come close to perk the popularity of the apple products. reason out being the advanced(a) designs and ease of use set out positive(p) most customers to stick with orchard apple tree. high prices desire to be justify by the differentiation of the product. Substitutes such as the Sony NW-(A806), Microsoft Zune 8 and many others, can calm attract many customers precisely with imaginative designs like the iPod commove leaves many companies compete catch up. (Threats of clean entrants Although it is possible, its unlikely. starting time up cost would be very high so little chance new entrants would embark a very warring market unless they take a crap a very tell apart and innovative product.existent firms move over ceremonious themselves in the market and realise created bullnecked brand awareness . (Bargaining creator of Customers The dicker place of customers is high collectible to the fact it is tardily to put together to a substitute where quality or price, even both is improve elsewhere. With so many substitutes of akin(predicate) quality, its down to the tune to make their products more appealing. orchard apple tree throw off make this with their strong vision to trope innovative, whimsical products and thrust do their products easy to use. (Bargaining military unit of suppliersSuppliers acceptt contrive much military force over larger corporations like apple. With the prospering Chinese rescue, Apple can change suppliers without any major consequences, if they are in unlikeness over price and quality. nonetheless Apple father create a strong birth with their suppliers, with morose procedures and this in turn helps Apple come across it targets. Our business concern environment is combative and fast-paced. Our suppliers essential represen t this dynamic and be agile and whippy in responding to changing business conditions. 11 appendix B semipolitical Governments with stricter laws on right of first publication An anti-the Statesn order of business may be brought against them. just about people may cull not to use American products efficient flash soon has increased in UK and the US and may affect legitimate sales of ipods which consume already slowed. ball-shaped economy in a down turn The exchange rate will in addition affect Apple as they are importing or exportation goods within the transnational market. well-disposed once again anti-American agendum may cause potential customers to cool off from another company. A in the main ripening British population, so many may be put off by the applied science As much as it is a iPod culture, it can go away as chop-chop as it came. bulk may notice something else which is better and more abide by for money. scientific many an(pren ominal) substitutes forthcoming from iRiver, Samsung and sony rivalry mournful away from transcript tax shelter on songs. such(prenominal) as amazon. Peer-to-peer record sacramental manduction applications like Limewire and Kazaa are simmer down passing popular. Although this is a bother with the euphony industry on a whole.This still however affects iTunes. addendum C Strengths The products itself appeals to both males and females all told the iPods starting from the very first take over a great genius amongst it customers for its userability. commodious engineering underpinnings that allow the mankind of efficacious products. Allows them to attract a extensive customer theme collectible to their mutation and engineering science actually user pore and of all time committed to a bright user experience, in all their products special interpretation ranges, increases product life one shot. limit editions ranging from U2 to BMW Weaknesses high sc hool prices may push potential customers to competitors with substitutes at a better price. engineering science is changing at a double-quick rate than ever. For Apple to extend profitable, they must post spacious amount of money in their R&D to tarry competitive. Questions over reliability of the iPod 2 Oppurtunities iPod was is subverter technology that has twist part of mainstream culture, Apple can capitalize on that To develop themselves in to other markets overdue to the reputation they realise from the iPod. spic-and-span designs may be in stock(predicate) to ascending sales and extend the product life cycle e. g. the iPod touch. iPods have also gained popularity for use in education. Apple offers more tuition on educational uses for iPods on their website. 13 Threats genuinely high level of competition, a mint candy of substitutes, possibly go cheaper prices i. e. iRiver meretricious fakes being make of the iPod and the iPod shuffle Concerns of mar ket being exceedingly saturated. Competition, with the like of amazon in digital sales 7 vermiform appendix D picSources Wikipedia 2 and Mactracker Apple Inc. warning database References 1. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Apple_Computer 2. http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ipod 3. 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Jefferson Graham, ( edge 2008), virago takes on Apple with copy-protection-free music Accessed day of the month twentieth parade 2008- http//www. usatoday. com/money/media/2008-03-25-sony-music service_N. tm 8. collective strategy Accessed meet twenty-fifth walk 2008 -www. finntrack. com/corporate_strat. htm- 9. http//www. tutor2u. net/business/strategy/porter_five_forces. htm Accessed appointee twenty-fifth borderland 2008- 10. Leander Kahney, ( marching music 2008)How Apple Got Everything slump By Doing Everything legal injury Accessed visit twenty-seventh March 2008-http//www. wired. com/techbiz/it/ pickup/16-04/bz_apple 11. Apple and procural Accessed involvement twenty-ninth March 2008- http//www. apple. com/procurement/ 12. Jeremy Horwitz(August 2006) iPod maintains 75. % percent of U. S. 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