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Monday, August 24, 2020
Cruiseline Industry Research free essay sample
Rather than a long and exhausting excursion, journey industry can offer an ideal one with brimming with fun. These days, there are a great deal journey organizations around the globe and Carnival Corporation, Princess Cruises and Royal Caribbean International are the most celebrated. Next the advancement of those organizations will be examined so as to discover how they are worked and what sorts of changes they are finished. 1. The improvement of Carnival Corporation Carnival Corporation is the main voyage administrator on the planet, bragging around dozen journey lines and around 100 boats with an all out traveler limit of more than 190,000. This organization was established in 1972 by Ted Arison and his previous classmate Meshulam Riklis. At that point, the main boat of Carnival bought was Mardi Gras( past name Empress of Canada). Despite the fact that its future journey went better and better, Arison needed to consider cutting the expense of each run, such as lessening fuel utilization by decreasing the speed and the recurrence of stops it made because of the company’s obligation which was in excess of 5 million dollars. We will compose a custom paper test on Cruiseline Industry Research or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In the event that this was valid, the traveler would need to invest more energy in the excursion, so Arison included other worth included administrations amusement highlight, including dance club, disco, etc. Truth be told this was an insurgency for the entire journey industry to make the outing fun. As needs be, Mardi Gras was called â€Å"Fun ship†. This was the piece of early improvement of Carnival. Next part incorporates the development and extension from 1970 to 1980. With the assistance of the hit TV arrangement The Love Boat, the journey business was rejuvenated. Around then, Arison purchased another 2 ships: the Carnival purchased in 1975; the Festivale purchased in 1977. In 1978, he additionally reserved the fourth boat, the Tropicale. As the aftereffect of extension, Carnival had three boats running multi week travels From Florida to Caribbean. In the start of 1980s, Arison requested three additional boats so Carnival possessed the biggest journey line armada with seven ships on the planet. Around 1980-1990, it had a noteworthy change from key view. So as to fill every one of these boats, Carnival utilized various types of advancement strategies. Right off the bat, Carnival exploited forceful promoting and publicizing methodologies. Its promoting station was â€Å"Fun Ship†publicizing effort in 1984 through syndicated programs and the biggest system TV. Furthermore, Carnival attempted to pick up the help from trip specialists which could have suggested Carnival travels as the primary decision to the clients. Thirdly, Carnival offered less expensive, shorter excursions to pull in more youthful, increasingly white collar class clients contrasted and past client sections. Fair attempted best to run at full limit. What's more, Carnival focused on vital acquisitions. Jamboree was not just purchasing the journey transporting business (Holland America Line, 1988) yet additionally the organizations (Windstar Sail Cruises and Holland America Westours) that included inns. During the year following the securing, Carnival conveyed 579,000 travelers, creating $600 million in incomes and procuring benefits of $196 million. †After that, it was another period for Carnival 1990-2000. There was no much critical change since the last time frame. In 1991, Carnival requested a 300 million dollar transport Sensation and a 315 million dollars trans port Fascination. The biggest traveler transport Carnival Destiny which was at 101,000 tons and had space for 2,640 individuals set for sail in 1996. The super-extravagance voyage line business for Carnival came in 1998 adding to Cunard’s five boats which is the QE2, THE Vistafjord, the Royal Viking Sun and Sea Goddess I and II. Around then, Carnival did the most significant procurement the Cunard White Star Line. At that point the organization changed its lawful name to Carnival Corporation in 1998. Next stage was the new thousand years; it was difficult for Carnival first and foremost. There were a few reasons: the fear monger assaults in 2001; serious intense respiratory disorder (SAS); share value fell and benefits wound down; enduring an onslaught for concealing illicit dumping. In 2002, Carnival gained Princess Cruises with 5, 67 billion offers through the opposition with Royal Caribbean. 1980-1990 critical change Growth and Expansion 1970-80 Early history Founded in 1972 Strategic acquisitions An inventive advertising Campaign Growth and Expansion 1990-2000 New thousand years The structure of the advancement of Carnival Corporation 2. The improvement of Princess Cruises â€Å"Princess Cruises is a British-American claimed voyage line, situated in Santa Clarita, California in the United States. †Princess Cruises was established in 1965. The initial two boats were Princess Patricia and Italia. At that point Princess Cruises was obtained by the world’s biggest delivery organization with 320 maritime vessels which name was Britain’s Peninsular amp; Oriental Steam Navigation Company (Pamp;O) in 1974. With the advancement of its Cruise industry, P amp; O Princess Cruises gave more consideration to obtaining. In 1986, Pamp; O Princess Cruises gained Tour Alaska. After next two years, Sitnar Line was bought by P amp;O Princess Cruises and the entirety of its significant tonnage was moved to Princess which incorporates three ships under development.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Examination of Theme in â€Å"Snake†A subject found in the sonnet â€Å"Snake†is that the regard man has for nature relies on the contrast among sense and learned conduct. D. H. Lawrence communicates this topic using comparisons and struggle. The scholarly components utilized in the sonnet help unmistakably call attention to this significant message. As the sonnet starts, the storyteller goes over a brilliant earthy colored snake as he moved toward his water trough. From the outset, the storyteller shows regard and esteem for the creature.As expressed in line (27), â€Å"But must I admit how I loved him, How happy I was he had come like a guest,†shows He felt respected by the snake’s nearness. It is the narrator’s common intuition to feel along these lines. The storyteller at that point proceeds to contrast the snake with cows by saying in line (16) â€Å"He lifted his head from his drinking, as dairy cattle do, and took a gander at me dubiously , as drinking cows do. †The utilization of this metaphor speaks to the regard the storyteller has for the snake and considers the snake’s innocuous conduct. Before long, the narrator’s normal adoration and regard for the snake is hindered by the voice of his education.Here starts the fundamental inner clash the storyteller faces. The storyteller tunes in to the voice in his inner voice say, â€Å"The voice of my training said to me, he should be slaughtered, for in Sicily the dark, dark snakes are honest, the gold are venomous. what's more, voices in me stated, in the event that you were a man, you would enjoy a stick and reprieve him now, and polish him off. (Line 22)†The narrator’s choice to tune in to the voice of his instruction rather than his actual sentiments is the thing that at last achieves the primary outcome, which is the feeling of blame coming about because of such a trivial action.The result the storyteller looked for killing the sn ake he had once appreciated was the inclination of disappointment and blame. Despite the fact that he demonstrated regard and felt respected by the snake’s nearness, both were eclipsed by the activity of the storyteller. The tranquil climate promptly moved when the storyteller thought in his psyche, â€Å"And quickly I thought twice about it. I thought how insignificant, how obscene, what a mean demonstration! I detested myself and the voices of my abhorrent human training. (Line 63)†The negative sentiments felt by the storyteller were delivered by something that man normally sees as irrelevant, the elationship among nature and humankind. Every one of that was left for the storyteller to do was to stifle his self-exacted feeling of wrongdoing against nature. The sonnet finishes up on line 72 when the storyteller expresses, â€Å"And I have something to appease: a unimportance. †The sonnet â€Å"Snake†obviously sends the message that the regard man has for nature relies upon the contrast between the inward still, small voice and the motivation of scholarly human conduct. The subject sparkles light on the significance of the connection among nature and humankind on the grounds that toward the day's end, they are both more comparative than we accept.
History of the Black Lives Matter Movement
History of the Black Lives Matter Movement A Change Overdue Since the beginning, dissenting and staying standing for a reason has been exceptionally normal. It’s basically a piece of American history. Be that as it may, some have greater effects than others.â Peter Katel states in his article titled Racial Conflict, â€Å"Three words †Black Lives Matter †have started another contention over race in America. Demonstrators reciting and tweeting that trademark have fought the passings of African-Americans, a large number of them unarmed, on account of cops †the vast majority of them white †in urban areas the nation over in the previous two years.†(15) The Black Lives Matter development has powered the fire for the conversation of racial correspondence in America. The vast majority felt, before the ascent of the development, that this subject of conversation was not important to talk about. The thought was that bigotry was non-existent in America and was not as terrible as earlier years since the beginning. Th e development has gotten disputable and has brought about certain progressions with respect to police methodology yet additionally an expanded measure of viciousness operating at a profit network. There are varying good and political conclusions, along these lines the issue has no goals starting at now. Restriction has consistently been a piece of American governmental issues, yet it is accepted that Donald Trump’s political race has started a bigger time of fights. In an article titled Citizen Protests Alan Greenblatt says, â€Å"Fueled by online life, shows have emerged over Trump organization arrangements on such issues as social insurance, environmental change and movement. In the interim, affirmed police ruthlessness and the evacuation of Confederate landmarks have stirred mass fights, some violent.†(1) The size of today’s fights is suggestive of the numerous fights in American history and particularly the social liberties development of the 1960s. The United States was established in a demonstration of dissent, an insubordination to British frontier power. The Revolutionary War was trailed by fights, for example, the Boston Tea Party in 1773.Greenblatt proceeds to state, â€Å"There was no time in American history when all perspectives could be circulate d without some restrictions†¦There have consistently been a few perspectives that a few people thought were so repulsive and risky that they couldnt be permitted to be heard.†(8) The ongoing resistance of Trump’s administration and fights identified with Black Lives Matter follows directly alongside the U. S’s history of mass exhibits. Today’s racial pressures started in the trans-Atlantic slave exchange. New consideration was centered around risks to dark guys in 2012 when a local watch volunteer murders dark young person Trayvon Martin in Florida. The trademark Black Lives Matter first appeared in quite a while reports after the 2014 shooting of dark youngster Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo cop Darren Wilson, coming about in Brown’s passing. A progression of mass showings developed into the Black Lives Matter development after numerous unarmed dark men and young men were murdered by police in New York City, Ohio, North Carolina, etc.â Criticism of the development developed as African Americans turned out to be increasingly vicious towards police. Episodes incorporate the December 2014 executing of two New York City officials and the September 2015 shooting of Houston Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth. This started a counter position marked as Police Lives Matter. Today’s clashes among police and African Americans have animated discussion about the bigger issue of race in America. In the course of recent years, the ascent of the Black Lives Matter development has propelled dissents the nation over against police brutality. Some were ceaseless more than a little while and drew a gigantic, mobilized reaction from law implementation. A few urban communities who held these gigantic showings include: Ferguson, Mo, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Baltimore, Maryland. Collier Meyerson expressed in an article titled When Protesting Police Violence Puts you in the Crosshairs, â€Å"†¦SWAT groups outfitted with nerve gas, defensively covered vehicles, and rifles watched the avenues, and nonconformists were liable to mass captures and police mercilessness. In Ferguson, 10 days of fighting prompted 150 arrestsâ€80 percent of them for inability to scatter. About 200 dissidents were captured in Baton Rouge. In Baltimore, a gathering of bothered inhabitants sued the city†(20). Supporters for the Black Lives Matter development contend that the rise of the development is principally because of the effects that police severity and treachery in America has had on non-white individuals. The effect isn't just passionate however mental also. In the course of recent decades, the militarization of police powers has given dark Americans more to fear. â€Å"With current innovation, police executing of Black individuals is recorded for open investigation and utilization. Access to these recordings has prompted remarkable open talk on what establishes mercilessness, its associations with White matchless quality, and the ramifications for Black lives†(Alang 662). After the terrorist’s assaults in 2001, due to the seriousness of the assault on the nation, police assets expanded hugely. Cops currently are prepared as though they are in the military and utilize military systems to oversee dissenters. Poor treatment by law-implementation officials has been a truth of African-American life since before the United States existed. Much after the achievement of the social equality development, police ruthlessness and segregation in the criminal-equity framework didn’t end, they just got covered up. Throughout the previous three years, the rise of the Black Lives Matter development has enlivened fights. As per the U.S. Agency of Justice Statistics, Today, dark men are multiple times bound to be imprisoned than white men, and dark ladies more than twice as likely as white ladies. Dark men are multiple times more probable than white men to bite the dust on account of law authorization. While backers of the Black Lives Matter development contend that the development is a positive, gainful route towards change that acquires attention to the racial pressures America, opposers of the development accept the development advances savagery and isn't right and could even be delegated a loathe gathering. Most opposers accept that the two sides are to be faulted for the savagery that originates from fights and rallies identified with Black Lives Matter. As of late, Donald Trump expressed that he concurs with the possibility that both sides are to be faulted for savagery. Trump’s political race brought another motivation for the movement’s opposers. Endeavors were made to fix the things done during the Obama organization. The perspectives on Trump welcomed on a discussion from supporters and opposers of the Black Lives Matter development. â€Å"As the 2016 presidential battle unfurled, BLM activists increased a notoriety for utilizing disturbance as an approach to push the movement’s key issues†(McLain 13). The Black Lives Matter Movement includes made a discussion inside the nation just as over the world. â€Å"Black Lives Matter speaks to one of the most persuasive and disputable of the contemporary fights developments.  Much of the debate is associated with misconception, contorted depictions, and endeavors to ruin the movement†(Hoffman 596) Most minorities in America trust The Black Lives Matter development ought to be perceived and tested. During the social liberties development, understudies dissented and made developments like the Freedom Rides, individuals youthful and old walked on Washington, and numerous activists stood in opposition to foul play and bolted arms with dark people to request change. In this period where racial pressures are at an intense as a result of late occasions, every one of us should consider how we can impact change in the entirety of our networks and work to get it going. The time has come to shout out and take a stand in opposition to foul p lay and off-base As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated: a definitive catastrophe isn't the mistreatment and remorselessness by the terrible individuals however the quietness over that by the great individuals. Work Refered to Alang, Sirry, et al. Police Brutality and Black Health: Setting the Agenda for Public Health Scholars. American Journal of Public Health, vol. 107, no. 5, May 2017, pp. 662-665. EBSCOhost, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.303691. Greenblatt, Alan. Resident Protests. CQ Researcher, 5 Jan. 2018, pp. 1-24, Hoffman, Louis, et al. An Existentialâ€Humanistic Perspective on Black Lives Matter and Contemporary Dissent Movements. Diary of Humanistic Brain research, vol. 56, no. 6, Nov. 2016, pp. 595-611. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1177/0022167816652273. Katel, P. (2016, January 8). Racial clash. CQ Researcher, 26, 25-48. Recovered from McClain, Dani. The Future of BLM. (Main story). Country, vol. 305, no. 8, 09 Oct. 2017, pp. 1216.EBSCOhost, url= Meyerson, Collier. When Protesting Police Violence Puts You in the Crosshairs. Country, vol. 305, no. 16, 18 Dec. 2017, pp. 16-21. EBSCOhost, url=
Friday, August 21, 2020
Product Level Planning
Chapter by chapter guide Executive Summary 2 Market examination 3 SWOT Analysis 4-7 Objectives 7 Marketing Strategy 8 Action Program 9 Financial Projection 10 Feedback and Control 10 Conclusion 11 References 11 Executive Summery Cement Industry is profoundly significant portion of Bangladesh’s Industrial segment and Plays an essential job in financial development.Although concrete industry of Bangladesh has seen its ups and down in late past yet in a decade ago it has recuperated and now it’s an independent industry of Bangladesh not just satisfying local needs of Bangladesh additionally sending out a colossal measure of concrete to different nations, bringing outside stores and help in up lifting Bangladesh’s GDP. Bangladesh is right now working at their most extreme limit because of the blast in business and modern development inside Bangladesh.In this report I have chosen ‘Anchor' concrete, Olympic Cement Ltd (OCL) of ‘Khansons Group’ basica lly called dim concrete and we will depict how they do item anticipating that? Khansons Group has broadened its mechanical field by setting up a clinker pounding concrete plant named as ‘Olympic Cement Ltd'. The plant is situated at Rupatoli, Barisal all in succession alongside its material ventures. The completed item (concrete) has been marked as ‘Anchor' and the equivalent has gotten mainstream in the nearby market. This concrete undertaking started its underlying creation at 800 tpd and continuously expanded the creation to the degree of 1,600 tpd.Olympic Cement Ltd (OCL) is one and just concrete production line which has focused to fulfill the whole need of concrete in Southern Bengal. Subsequently, OCL has focused its deals on a taking off pattern by expanding creation volume. OCL is keeping up the notoriety of its quality item and focusing on the all-inclusive venture in days to come. Current Market Situation Overall Market Situation Bangladesh concrete industry i s the 40th biggest market on the planet. There are 70+ concrete industrial facilities in Bangladesh and day by day creation limit is 16. 687 Million MT.In January 2012, Bangladesh’s Export Promotion Bureau discharged information affirming that concrete fares had seen a 21% expansion in the initial seven months of the current financial year (July 2011 †January 2012). The lift in the concrete division is a direct result of the rising development action in the nation and expanding improvement consumption by the govt. Because of this the deals of concrete area will likewise rise each year. Item Situation Since Cement is a particular item, requiring modern foundation and creation area, along these lines, Most of the concrete enterprises in Bangladesh are situated close/inside a waterway side that are rich in clay.Iron and mineral limit so ‘Anchor’ concrete is arranged close to the bank of stream ‘Kirton Khola’. Stay concrete introduced limit is 1,600 tpd at present with the turnover of 50 crore in a year. Serious Situation: In serious circumstance we will depict all the contenders of Anchor Cement delivering dark concrete. There are 70 + firms in the market alongside Anchor Cement. Every one of these organizations are utilizing diverse showcasing strategies to grape however much piece of the overall industry as could be expected yet they are acting like a cartel under the tree of APCMA.They are creating same nature of concrete with all most same cost and highlights that’s why rivalry in the market is extreme for neighborhood just as remote market. All are utilizing same mass and entrance techniques to cover significant bit of the market. Some are utilizing cost administration procedure however because of cartel act conduct they are not getting the objective outcomes that they need to accomplish. As of now Crown concrete is the market chief while Anchor concrete is a specialty in the national market yet it is the pioneer in the nearby market of Barisal and southern piece of Bangladesh. Dispersion Situation:Anchor Cement Company utilizes various channels of circulations to move the dim concrete from organization to the diverse piece of Bangladesh. †¢ACC > Whole Sellers > Retailor> Customer †¢ACC > Retailors> Customer †¢ACC > Customer †¢ACC > Regional Offices > w/s Retailors Macro-Environmental Situation Macro natural factors legitimately or by implication impact the creation of the organization and its market. Large scale Environmental components are the elements that are not in the control of the organization. These components are†¦.. 1. Political 2. Law and request circumstance 3. Social qualities 4. Mechanical change . Segment patterns 6. Monetary Condition 7. Expansion Opportunity and Issue Analysis After finishing the market investigation now we will do examination of chances and issues for the ACC. Opportunity is an opportunity of progress or hea dway that is accessible in the market and the organization needs to benefit it for the advancement and productivity while issues are the shortcoming or risk for the organization to maintain a strategic distance from or settled down. For this reason we need to do SWOT examination of ACC. Quality of ACC Strengths are the inside positive elements of bit of leeway that an organization has. Following is the quality of ACC. Introduced Capacity: Installed limit of organization is 16. 687 Million MT day by day and they are delivering 6007. 32 MT for every annum so they can surpass the creation effectively by legitimate actualizing their promoting blend systems and it will straightforwardly build benefits of the organization. oRaw Material: Anchor Cement Company is arranged close to the bank of the waterway kirtonkhola. So they can without much of a stretch benefit the immense save of crude materials with a minimal effort as contrast with other competitors’ as their expense of materia l is high. oHigh Quality of ACC: Quality of ACC is obviously superior to the standard set by Bangladesh and importers.Quality of creation is superior to a large portion of the rivals in the market. oCheap Labor: They are utilizing modest work market of Bangladesh which is quality of them and because of this their cost is low as contrast with different compotators. oGood Govt. Approaches: Local and government govts. Arrangements are steady and great for the concrete division. They are getting numerous advantages in term of power and so forth from BD govt. So over all ACC is getting a charge out of good condition made by Government. Shortcoming of ACC Weaknesses are the inward negative variables of an organization that ought to be maintained a strategic distance from or to be controlled.Following are the negative components of ACC. oNot Utilization of Full Capacity: ACC isn't using its full limit of creation of dark concrete. They can deliver more per annum so not using their full lim it is additionally their detriment which they should change over it into circumstance. oFuel and Electricity Charges: ACC cost contains over half expenses of fuel and power. So they ought to limit these costs as much as possible. It can truly help them in inspiring their piece of the overall industry and development and benefit also. They can change over their framework or can produce their own power by putting resources into this division. The executives: ACC significant sheets of chiefs are from a similar family which is additionally a negative factor of them. So they ought to present equipped personnel’s in the organization for the development. oFreight Charges: Freight or transportation charges to different pieces of the nation are additionally an issue for them which ought to be settled down at the earliest opportunity. They ought to limit their costs to benefit more prominent markets present in different pieces of Bangladesh. Open doors for ACC Opportunities are chances for progress or headway that is accessible in the market and the organization needs to benefit it for the advancement and profitability.These are certain outside variables. Following are the open doors accessible for ACC. oGovernment Development Expenditure: Govt: is spending colossal sum on improvement ventures like streets, schools, emergency clinics, dams and framework and so on. ACC can benefit these open doors by reacting on time to these tasks. oConstruction of Big tasks: Recently there are numerous enormous undertakings are going on Bangladesh like development of Jamuna future park, numerous elevated structures and so forth, likewise in across the country and in Barisal.ACC ought to investigate every one of these chances to expand its piece of the pie. oDemand of Bangladeshi Cement: Recently Bangladeshi concrete interest is expanding step by step in outside business sectors so ACC can improve its remote piece of the overall industry. This will be truly good and productive fo r them. Dangers for ACC Threats are the negative factors that are accessible in the outside situations. These are unhidden dangers that are hanging tight for and organization ought to be prepared or arranged to tickle down every one of these dangers for their reality and endurance. Following are the dangers accessible for ACC. High Energy Prices: Energy costs are continually expanding in Bangladesh and overall which is straightforwardly influencing the benefit of ACC since significant bit of cost comprises of fuel and vitality costs so they should discover elective wellspring of vitality to limit the expense of products. oHigh level of Taxes and Custom obligation: High degree of cost and custom obligation are influencing its benefit. So govt. should make valuable strides for the advancement of the businesses. oCompetitors: There are 70+ firms in concrete industry which make the opposition very tough.Each firm is endeavoring to get as much offer as possible and they are utilizing var ious strategies to exceed expectations their deals. In this way, ACC should make legitimate strides for its development while mulling over all the Competitors. oPolitical Instability: It is likewise a principle danger for ACC since it acquires changes laws and guideline as needs be. Goals After examining all the variables now we will set the destinations or targets we can say, for ACC that will be accomplished in the following money related year of the organization. Our destinations ought to be ? Explicit ?Measurable ?Achievable ?Realistic ?Time bound There are 2 sorts of targets which are: Financial Objectives †¢Marketing Objectives Financial Objectives: Financial goals are connected with the money related execution of the organization or just destinations
Sunday, July 19, 2020
A Time-Management Workbook For Teachers
A Time-Management Workbook For Teachers Member exclusive. Subscribe to access this resource. Julie Mason, Head of Content and Curriculum, and several members of the TeacherVision Advisory Board, designed this workbook based on decades of experience in the classroom as teachers. This workbook is designed with busy teachers in mind. Use the tools and exercises for 6 ways to maximize the time you have both in and out of the classroom. Table of Contents Sunday Sit Down Morning Routine Meal Prep Always Make A Plan B End Of Day Organization Checklist Grading Time Savers Author Bios by Julie Mason Grade: K | TYPE: Teacher Advice (9) using the button below. Buy Now on TeachersPayTeachers */
Saturday, June 27, 2020
The Case For Standardized Tests How Much of Negative Impact They Have for the School Systems - Free Essay Example
Standardized testing levies the United States approximately 1.2 billion in dollars yearly, and inflicts to students, a tremendous degree of anxiety and stress. Standardized testing has been utilized in the United States for decades because the higher up government officials believed it was an authentic means to test students, they were gravely mistaken. In the article The Value of Standardized Testing Author Gail Gross argues that standardized testing still holds value, benefits schools and students, and it gives teachers insight into the students learning, however, Gross fails to mention the negative effects it inflicts amid students, as well as the whole school itself. Standardized testing should be eradicated from public school systems because it affects students negatively, holds unfair advantages, and it pressures teachers to teach to the test. Firstly, standardized tests, like any weighing and imperative academic exam, demands a substantial degree of studying and preparation. Accompanying this great deal of studying and preparation is the grave amount of negative impacts such as stress, and anxiety. Because of the stress the students deal with due to the intensity and the pressure of the test, it causes them much of an emotional anguish within themselves. Authors Sophie Bethune and Alfie Kohn explore this horrific side of standardized testing, according to a survey taken by the American Psychology Association (APA), Students ranging from 13-17 have reported high levels of stress mostly due to tests such as the SAT and the ACT, american teens report experiences with stress that follow a similar pattern as adults, according to a new survey released today by the American Psychological Association (APA) (Sophie Bethune). Along with the pressure from parents as well as teachers, the performance of students decreases significan tly and their fear of failure causes them to feel mentally overwhelmed. The pressure of standardized testing is being inflicted to those that should not even take it. Its far more worrisome that even students who dont plan to continue their schooling after high school, and even students who are much too young to be thinking about college are subjected to a barrage of standardized tests that dont provide much useful information (4 Kohn). Although Gross makes an understandable argument stating standardized testing holds value, Gross does not take into account the mental damage that the test delivers to students. Secondly, standardized testing has another huge flaw in its grand design, it carries unfair advantages that no given tests should carry. There are companies that construct standardized and these companies also assemble programs and classes which favors the economically privileged that can afford them giving them the advantage when it comes to taking the test. Furthermore, everyone is different, in where theyre from, what theyve learned before, experiences theyve had, and the way they learn, however standardized tests treats everyone like they are the same which in this case is unfair. Author Brittany Kokoszka explores the biased aspect of standardized testing. A teacher may do an incredible job explaining material to students, however, if he or she does not have the resources that other schools have, then the students educations are compromised (Brittany Kokoszka), not everyone has the same access to resources, some schools may be well funded than other which gives the students in that school the upper hand. Those who are economically privileged can take test classes to improve and build their score whereas not everyone has that same opportunity. By having this opportunity, those kids will most likely receive higher scores and thus possess a significant unfair advantage over others who cannot afford such luxuries (Brittany Kokoszka). Whether a student gets into college should not be determined by their financial status, and this is one of the many big flaws that make standardized testing unfair. Thirdly, standardized testing not only affects students and their future but teachers and their paychecks as well. In view of the fact that standardized testing is such a crucial deal in The United States, teachers are feeling the pressure by their bosses to heavily focus their curriculum into teaching to the test. Standardized tests are used by school administrators and the public to evaluate students, schools, and teachers. Authors Ronald E. Johnson, Jerrell C. Cassady, and Stephanie Overman go in more depth of this pressure teachers receive and how that affects their students. One of the reasons why teachers are so stressed that they end up teaching to the test is because of the No Child Left Behind Act Legislation like NCLB has raised the stakes for testing, potentially tying student performance to teacher salaries and job stability, and dictating what teachers teach (Overman). Everyone is motivated by money, and teachers are no exceptions, this act forces teachers to believe th at their most important job is to prepare the kids for standardized testing and that is what they are being paid for, neglecting to teach basic life skills. Author Gross argues that standardized testing is a critical measurement of achievement in skills, knowledge, and abilities, however, the way these tests are written, taught, and taken suggests otherwise. This type of pressure that teachers exert on students tremendously impacts them as well (a) comparing self-performance to peers, (b) considering the consequences of failure, (c) low levels of confidence in performance, (d) excessive worry over evaluation, (e) causing sorrow for their parents, (f) feeling unprepared for tests, and (g) loss of self-worth (272 Ronald E. Johnson/Jerrell C. Cassady). Students are not being tested for their level of skills, and their capacity for exerting their knowledge but to choose an answer out of four choices and fill in a blank bubble that ignores the students overall knowledge and limits them t o only four choices. Overall, standardized testing not only messes with students but threatens and controls teachers as well. Standardized testing causes students to know and retain things they dont have the necessity for and, acquire a skill set that is essentially idle and useless when it comes to real life and its problem. Consequently, a proposed solution consists of school boards around the nation should boycott against the use of standardized testing, as well as using the students scores to judge schools, teachers, and students which only makes matters worse. The people should all sign a petition for a standardized test free nation, Canada has done it, The United States, shouldnt fall behind. A new type of examination should be developed as a better alternative to this flawed design, an examination supported by research to prove effective. In conclusion, standardized testing has been utilized long enough and needs to be eradicated. Although, Gross, made excellent points that are understandable, it still does not out weight the tremendous amount of negative impacts. Standardized testing clearly does more harm to a student than the good Gross claims it does. Standardized testing causes students to be negatively impacted, teachers to feel the pressure to teach to the test and, it holds the unfair advantages that students shouldnt have to deal with.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Strategic Plan, Part III Balanced Scorecard - 1355 Words
Strategic Plan, Part III: Balanced Scorecard Shannon Wilson BUS/475 July 10, 2014 Roberto Cordero Forward The document relates to the methods which organizations use in creating as well as executing methods. Specifically this document would discuss the method of balanced scorecard or BSC method which is extensively getting used by big as well as small companies. To elaborate the concept papers would cope with the use of the idea to the business design of an organization known as Ace Gym. As soon†¦show more content†¦3) Internal business processes Ace Gym can find out the functionality of its functions and procedures utilizing this scoreboard. Some of the main focus goals for the Gym would be: 3. A) in order to boost sales and enhance customer base the Gym would concentrate on upgrading its marketing methods by advertising in electronic as well as print media. 3. B) to be able to boost efficiency of its functions and reducing costs Ace Gym would concentrate to control on the needless operational expenses. A way of doing this would be motivating workers to work from residence. 3. c) Ace Gym would develop and create devices to evaluate and keep an eye on the workers efficiency. These devices could be a combination of fiscal as well as non fiscal structure of performance assessment. 4) Research and development Some of the important aspects concerning research and development are (Song Park, 2008): 4. A) Ace Gym would launch employee incentive and growth programs so as to keep its valuable workers. The main focus of goal would be to keep the turnover ratio per annum below 7%. 4. B) Ace Gym thinks that employee efficiency levels can be enhanced leading to accomplishment of overall organizational goals in case the objectives of people are achieved. Gym would concentrate on devising SMART goals keeping equilibrium between organizational objectives with that of personal. 4. c) Ace Gym wouldShow MoreRelatedStrategic Plan, Part Iii: Balanced Scorecard1413 Words  | 6 PagesStrategic Plan, Part III: Balanced Scorecard Courtney Bullard BUS/475 – Integrated Business Topics December 9, 2012 Fredric Hibbler A Balanced Scorecard is, â€Å"A set of four measures directly linked to a company’s strategy: financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning and growth†(Pearce Robinson, 2009, p. 202). Healthy Place needs to develop a balanced scorecard in order to assist in defining the company’s mission, values, vision, and SWOTTRead MoreStrategic Plan Part Iii: Balanced Scorecard Essay1433 Words  | 6 PagesStrategic Plan Part III: Balanced Scorecard A balanced scorecard is a method company’s use to measure their performance. It includes objectives, strategies, and tactics. 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